(alsosun dog)uk/ˈsʌn.dɒɡ/us/ˈsʌn.dɑːɡ/(alsoparhelion,mock sun)abrightspotthatappearsin theskyon eithersideof thesun,causedby therefraction(=bending)oflightthroughicecrystalsin highcloud:
幻日(天空中出现在太阳一侧的一个亮点,由光线穿过高云中的冰晶折射而成)Manydisplays, such asrainbowsand sundogs, arecausedbyicecrystalsorwatervapour.许多自然现象,如彩虹和幻日,都是因为冰晶或水蒸气形成的。
Theicyskyhadproducedawonderfulshow ofsundogs.冰冷的天空上出现了奇妙的幻日现象。
![picture of sundog picture of sundog](
- Sundogs arecausedbysunlightpassingthroughflat, six-sidedicecrystalshigh in thetroposphere.
- Northernlightsfilledtheskyatnight,sundogsduring thebitterdays.
- She oftenpointsout things in thesky-phenomenasuch as sundogs,halos, andunusualcloudshapes.
Weather & climate - general words
- aneroid barometer
- anthelion
- aurora
- aurora australis
- aurora borealis
- element
- glass
- low-pressure
- meteorological
- meteorologist
- meteorology
- mock sun
- Northern Lights
- occluded front
- occlusion
- parhelion
- rare
- the Met Office
- weather forecaster
- zone