theactofstoppingsomethinghappening,operating, etc. for aperiodoftime:
暂停,中止The suspensionoffightingis to takeeffectat 6 a.m. onMonday.停战协定于周一早上6点生效。
There have beencallsfor the drug'simmediatesuspension,followingreportsthat it hasdangeroussideeffects.有报道指出这种药物有危险的副作用后,人们呼吁立即停止使用该药。
apunishmentin which apersonistemporarilynotallowedtowork, go toschool, or takepartin anactivity:
(作为处罚的)暂令停职;暂令停学;暂令停止活动Theunionisprotestingabout the suspensionofarestaurantworker.工会因一名饭店员工被停职而在进行抗议。
Theplayerislikelytoreceivea three-game suspensionfollowinganincidentin yesterday'sgame.这位球员可能会因为昨天比赛中发生的事件而被停赛3场。
- There werecallsfor the suspension ofparliament.
- The suspension ofhostilitiesallowedbothsidesto come to thenegotiatingtable.
- Staffarefuriousabout a suspension oftheirflexibleworkingscheme.
- Theschoolallowsapartialsuspension ofitsruleson the lastdayofterm.
Pauses & interludes
- abeyance
- adjournment
- break
- break-journey
- caesura
- coffee break
- comfort stop
- hiatus
- interlude
- intermission
- interval
- lapse
- lull
- non-continuous
- one-stop
- pause
- plateau
- postponement
- respite
- stoppage
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Not going to school
equipmentattachedto thewheelsof avehiclethatreducestheuncomfortableeffectsof going overroadsurfacesthat are noteven
(车辆的)悬架,减震装置The engine & engine parts
- air filter
- alternator
- anti-roll
- antifreeze
- biting point
- brake
- cam
- carburation
- catalytic converter
- choke
- combustion chamber
- disc brake
- distributor
- drive shaft
- gasket
- internal combustion engine
- neutral
- plug
- rev
- turbocharger
aliquidin whichsmallpiecesofsolidarecontained, but notdissolved:
悬浮液a suspension offinecornflourincornoil悬浮在玉米油中的精玉米粉
Physical & chemical processes
- absorbable
- absorptive
- absorptive capacity
- acidification
- addition reaction
- condense
- evaporate
- evaporation
- excitability
- excitation
- excite
- exergonic
- nuclear fission
- oxidize
- recondense
- redox
- refraction
- rehydrate
- reliquefy
- solidify