uk/səˈspɪʃ.əs/us/səˈspɪʃ.əs/suspiciousadjective(SEEM GUILTY)
making youfeelthat somethingillegalishappeningor that something iswrong:
可疑的,引起怀疑的Herbehaviourwas very suspicious.她的举止非常可疑。
Thefireat thebankis beingtreatedas suspicious.银行起火被认为非常可疑。
It's a little suspiciousthatno oneknowswhere he was at thetimeof themurder.有点儿可疑的是,没有人知道谋杀案发当时他在哪里。
There were some suspiciouscharactershangingaroundoutside.有些可疑的人在外面晃荡。
There's a suspicious-lookingvanparkedat the end of thestreet.路的尽头停着一辆看起来很可疑的送货车。
His newbookbearsa suspiciousresemblanceto abookwritten by someoneelse.(= Hisbookis sosimilarto the otherbookthat itseemsas if he hascopiedit.)他的新书与别人写的另外一本书内容雷同,令人生疑。
- Shediedin suspiciouscircumstances.
- Thepublicwerewarnedto be on thealertfor suspiciouspackages.
- There was somethingfurtiveabout hisbehaviourand Iimmediatelyfeltsuspicious.
- Hisreticenceabout his past made them very suspicious.
- Helooksvery suspicioushangingaround by thebins- I'msurehe's up to something.
Strange, suspicious and unnatural
- aberrant
- abnormal
- abnormally
- add
- Alice-in-Wonderland
- freakishness
- funnily
- funnily enoughidiom
- ghostliness
- ghoul
- perverse
- perversely
- perversity
- perverted
- pervy
- unorthodox
- wack
- wackadoodle
- wackiness
- wacky
feelingdoubtor notrustin someone or something:
怀疑的,猜疑的;不信任的Hiscolleaguesbecamesuspicious(=thoughtthat there was somethingwrong)when he did notappearatwork, since he was alwayspunctual.他一向按时来上班,所以当他没有来上班时,他的同事们起了疑心。
They aredeeply/highly(= very)suspiciousofone another/ofeach other'smotives.他们对彼此的动机都很怀疑。
Mymotherhas a very suspiciousnature(= does nottrustpeople).我妈妈天生喜欢猜疑。
- Olderpeopletendto bequiteconservativeand abitsuspicious of anysupposedadvances.
- Sheallowedthat she might have been too suspicious.
- OfcourseI'mtellingthetruth- you've got such a suspiciousmind!
- I wasbecomingincreasinglysuspicious of hismotives.
- Webecamesuspicious when theletterdid notarrive.
Suspecting & questioning
- ask
- ask questions ofsomeone/somethingidiom
- call into questionidiom
- challenge
- cynical
- cynically
- cynicism
- doubt
- doubter
- doubting Thomas
- fisking
- misgiving
- niggle
- oppugn
- reserve
- sceptical
- self-doubt
- skeptic
- smell a ratidiom
- suspicion