Anunderstandingof themagneticpropertiesofatomsledto thedevelopmentof superaccurateatomicclocks.
Manysmartphonesnow have super-accurateGPS.
- Thisinstrumentprovidessuperaccuratereadings,evenat verylowtemperatures.
- Microsurgeryrequiressuperaccurateadjustmentofopticalandelectronicequipment.
- The plane'sinstrumentsmake superaccuratenavigationpossible.
- Thetestsfor thediseaseareknownto be superaccurate.
- Theregulationsstatethat all thethermometershave to becomparedto a superaccuratethermometer.
Accurate and exact
- accuracy
- accurate
- accurately
- aright
- authoritative
- exact
- Goldilocks
- got it in one!idiom
- in so many wordsidiom
- infallible
- infallibly
- literally
- nose
- sharp
- strictly speakingidiom
- synchronization
- technically
- tightness
- to the dayidiom
- truly