theprocessofaddingsomething to something that has already beenadded:
Theseorganismsretaintheircharacteristicswithrelativelylittlechangeor superaddition.
The super-addition of thisinfectiontendsto make thediseasemoreserious.
something that has beenaddedto somethingelsethat has already beenadded:
Theskullis a superaddition to thespine.
Themaximumdosewasadministered,followedby super-additions everyhour.
- The superaddition ofgovernmentinvestmenttodiseasepreventionandcontrolwillensurethatpublicservicesareabletofunction.
- Thedevelopmentof thesystemischaracterizedby the superaddition of newelementstoolderones.
- There is acontinualsuper-addition oflayersduring thegrowthof thebone.
- Theseformidablesuper-additions areheldby only asmallproportionoforthodoxChristians.
Things added or attached to other things
- accessory
- add onsomething
- added value
- addition
- adjunct
- admixture
- appurtenance
- attachment
- belay
- frill
- frippery
- hereto
- jacked up
- mounted
- non-detachable
- onto
- shim
- trimming