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swallowverb(THROAT)B2[IorT]tocausefood,drink,pills, etc. tomovefromyourmouthintoyourstomachby using themusclesofyourthroat: 吞咽,吞下,咽下 Mythroatis sosorethat it reallyhurtswhen I swallow.我的喉咙很痛,吞咽起来很难受。 He put agrapeinto hismouthand swallowed itwhole.他把一颗葡萄放进嘴里,整个儿吞了下去。 [I]to use themusclesofyourthroat, as ifmovingsomething fromyourmouthintoyourstomach, because you arenervousorfrightened, or are about to say something: (因为紧张、害怕或要开始说话而)做吞咽动作,咽口水 He swallowedhardand said, "Dad, I have something totellyou."他狠劲儿咽了一下口水说:“爸,我有点事想告诉您。” - Jamie's always hadtroubleswallowingpills.
- He swallowed hisdrinkin onegulp.
- You'll give yourselfindigestionif you swallowyourdinnersoquickly.
- Keep alookoutforsmallobjectsthat ababymight swallow.
- Because I'm abadswimmer, I often go under and swallow a lot ofwater.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesEating - al desko
- binge
- binge eating
- bite
- break breadidiom
- cram
- fall on/uponsomeone
- feast
- feast onsomething
- feeder
- feeding
- inhale
- mainline
- partake
- pick
- pick atsomething
- picnic
- pig
- shovel
- trough
See more results » swallowverb(TAKE AWAY)[T]If somethinglargeswallows (up) another thing, it makes itdisappearorstopexistingseparatelyby making itpartof itself: 吞掉;吞没 Anincreasingamountof thecountrysideis being swallowed(up)by thetown.越来越多的乡村被城镇吞没。 Manysmallbusinesseshave been swallowed(up)bylargecompanies.很多小企业已经被大公司吞并了。 [T]to use or take away alargepartof somethingvaluable: 大量使用,大量夺走(贵重之物) Taxes have swallowed upnearlyhalfof mypayincrease.我的加薪有近一半都被税收抵消了。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesEnclosing, surrounding and immersing - beleaguer
- beleaguered
- beset
- border
- boxsomeone/somethingin
- dunk
- enclosure
- fencesomethingin
- fencesomethingoff
- flooding
- gather
- gift wrap
- gift-wrapped
- siege
- steep
- steepsomething/someoneinsomething
- submersion
- surround
- swaddle
- swamp
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: swallowverb(ACCEPT)C2[T]informaltoacceptsomething withoutquestionor withoutexpressingdisagreement: 轻信;全盘接受 Notsurprisingly, thisexcusewas too much for them to swallow.不出所料,他们无法接受这个借口。 He swallowed herstorywhole.他对她的说法深信不疑。 She swallowed hissalespitchhook,line, andsinker(=believeditcompletely).她对他的推销之词深信不疑。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto believe someone or something - believeCan we believe a word of what this man says?
- acceptMost people accept what the newspapers say as being correct.
- creditUKIt’s hard to credit that she’s 87.
- swallowI personally find it hard to swallow the official narrative.
- buyWhen it comes to global warming, he doesn't buy it, and is out to discredit the whole theory.
See more results » SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBelieving - accept
- allegedly
- article of faith
- ascribesomethingtosomething
- ascription
- belief
- credit
- deluded
- evidently
- feel it inyourbonesidiom
- givesomeonethe benefit of the doubtidiom
- gospel
- hold
- room for doubtidiom
- seesomethinginsomeone/something
- seeing is believingidiom
- self-deceit
- self-deceiving
- stock
- word
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Accepting & agreeing reluctantly swallowverb(NOT EXPRESS)C2[T]to notexpressor show something: 不表露,不表现,抑制住 She swallowed herdisappointment, saying, "That's OK, it doesn'tmatter."她抑制住自己的失望说:“没事,没关系。” SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesControlling emotions - blackmail
- bottle
- bottlesomethingup
- brave
- breaking point
- cauterization
- choke
- compose
- cork
- dysregulation
- emotional blackmailidiom
- frustrated
- get beyondsomething
- get pastsomeone
- play it coolidiom
- put on a brave faceidiom
- repress
- repressed
- self-possessed
- temperate
See more results » Idiomsswallowyourwords swallow the bait swallownoun[C](THROAT)anactof using themusclesofyourthroat, or theamountof something youmoveintoyourstomachfromyourmouthby using themusclesofyourthroat: 吞,咽,吞咽He gave a swallow, thenbeganspeaking.他咽了一下口水,然后开始说话。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesEating - al desko
- binge
- binge eating
- bite
- break breadidiom
- cram
- fall on/uponsomeone
- feast
- feast onsomething
- feeder
- feeding
- inhale
- mainline
- partake
- pick
- pick atsomething
- picnic
- pig
- shovel
- trough
See more results » swallownoun[C](BIRD)asmallbirdwithpointedwingsand atailwith twopointsthatfliesquicklyandcatchesinsectstoeatas itflies 燕子 MikeLane45/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOther wild birds - bird of paradise
- blackbird
- blue tit
- bluebird
- bluejay
- finch
- flycatcher
- goldfinch
- greenfinch
- honeyeater
- lorikeet
- lyrebird
- macaw
- magpie
- martin
- skylark
- song thrush
- sparrow
- squab
- starling
See more results » Idiomone swallow doesn't make a summer (Definition ofswallowfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)swallow| American Dictionaryswallowverb(MOVE FOOD)[I/T]toforcefoodorliquidinyourmouthtomoveintoyourstomachby use of themusclesofyourthroat: [I]Mythroatis sosorethat it reallyhurtswhen I swallow. swallowverb(ACCEPT)[T]infmltoacceptsomething withoutquestionor withoutexpressingdisagreement: Notsurprisingly, thisexcusewas too much for them to swallow. swallowverb(NOT EXPRESS)[T]not toexpressor showfeelingsoremotions: I swallowed myangerandtriedto befriendly. Phrasal verbswallow upsomething/someone swallownoun[C](BIRD)any ofvarioustypesofsmallbirdwithpointedwingsand atailshapedlike afork, whichfliesquickly,catchinginsects swallownoun[C](MOVING FOOD)theactofforcingfoodorliquidinyourmouthtomoveintoyourstomach, or anamounttaken intoyourstomachat onetime: He said he onlywantedone swallow ofmilk– but it was abigone! (Definition ofswallowfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)swallow| Business English(alsoswallow up)if anactivityorprocessswallows or swallows up a lot ofresources, it uses a lot oftime,money, orpeople: Theluxurybrandswallowed over $3billioninitsfirst tenyearsof being taken over. Highhousepricesmeanthat a muchlargerpercentageof a family'sincomeis now being swallowed up by themortgage. FINANCEif acompanyswallows or swallows up asmallerone, itbuysit and makes itpartofitsownbusiness: Thesmallfamilyfirmwas atriskof getting swallowed up byforeigncompetitors. informaltoacceptsomething withoutdoubtingorquestioningit: The MPexpensesscandalrevealedabusesthat thetaxpayercould not swallow. (Definition ofswallowfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofswallowswallow We found i that spider monkeys swallowed seeds from almost all of the species from which they ate ripe fruits.From theCambridge English Corpus No trematodes were observed in the lung or air sac, heart, liver, spleen and kidney of all bats and swallows.From theCambridge English Corpus Genetic and environmental effects on morphology and fluctuating asymmetry in nesting barn swallows.From theCambridge English Corpus Magnetic field changes in the human brain due to swallowing or speaking.From theCambridge English Corpus The habit of flies of swallowing the " vomits " and regurgitating them again after a short interval gives some support to this suggestion.From theCambridge English Corpus Effects of verbal cue on bolus flow during swallowing.From theCambridge English Corpus The combination of bedside swallowing assessment and oxygen saturation monitoring of swallowing in acute stroke: a safe and humane screening tool.From theCambridge English Corpus Wood swallows too much seventeenth-century counsel's purple prose about these people.From theCambridge English Corpus The factory she starts work in on leaving school is eventually bought by a larger company, which is swallowed up by a multi-national.From theCambridge English Corpus The health domains described included mobility, stage of disease, pain, hoarseness, tiredness, pneumonia, swallowing and meals, psychological problems, and social support.From theCambridge English Corpus Care was taken that the chicken swallowed the entire inoculum.From theCambridge English Corpus Dif®culty swallowing liquor as a result of the facial cleft or associated anomaly may lead to polyhydramnios.From theCambridge English Corpus Monitoring in an awake patient also may induce some degree of discomfort and sometimes deep breathing, swallowing and neck movements interfere with measurements.From theCambridge English Corpus Polyhydramnios may be secondary to oesophageal obstruction/compression thus reducing the volume of liquor swallowed.From theCambridge English Corpus Animals were released from the neck yoke and observed closely for 2-3 min to confirm that the boli had been swallowed.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/swallow## |