amainmealeatenin theevening:
晚饭,晚餐Why don't you cometo/forsuppertonight?你今天来吃晚饭好吗?
They had an early supper before going to thetheatre.他们早早地吃完晚饭,去看电影了。
asmallmealeatenin the lateevening:
夜宵We usually haveteaat about 5.30 p.m. , then supper before we go tobed.我们通常会在下午5点半吃晚饭,然后在睡觉前再吃些夜宵。
aneventin whichpeoplecome together toeatin theevening:
Theyhostedabuffetsupper on thelawnoftheirhome.
RitaaskedRose to go to achurchsupper with her.
[C]mainlyScottish English
used with thenameof afoodto refer to amealthat iseatenwithchips(=long,thinpiecesoffriedpotato):
Thepictureshowsone of thefamousScottishdeep-friedpizzasuppers.
Glaswegians aredefinitelythemastersof thesausagesupper.
See also
fish supper
- Why don't youaskyoursisterif she would like tojoinus for supper?
- I'mravenous- where's supper?
- Give me aminuteand I'llrustlesomething up for supper.
- We're having avegetablestir-fryfor suppertonight.
- I'm havingbeansontoastfor supper.
- ThequintessentialBritishmealisfishandchips(knowninScotlandas a "fishsupper",evenatlunchtime.)
Meals & parts of meals
- accompaniment
- afternoon tea
- afters
- amuse-bouche
- antipasto
- dinner time
- elevenses
- English breakfast
- feast
- feeding
- packed lunch
- picnic
- picnicker
- plate meal
- ploughman's lunch
- tea
- tea party
- teatime
- tiffin
- TV dinner