be supposed to
to have to; to have adutyor aresponsibilityto:
应该,应当Thechildrenare supposed to be atschoolby 8.45 a.m.孩子们应该在早上8:45之前到校。
What are you doing out ofbed- you're supposed to beasleep.你不睡觉起来干什么——你早该睡着了。
- Thewholeconferencewastotallydisorganized- nobodyknewwhat they were supposed to be doing.
- Theappointmentsare supposed to be made withoutfearorfavour.
- Youknowfullwell that you're not supposed to go there withoutaskingme!
- You're supposed to put thehandbrakeonwheneveryoustopon ahill.
- I was supposed to beworkingthiseveningbut what thehell- I'llseeyou in thepubinhalfanhour.
Duty, obligation and responsibility
- accountable
- answer forsomething
- answerable
- baby
- brother
- domain
- fail
- fiefdom
- gotta
- had better/best dosomethingidiom
- hat
- havesomethingonyourhandsidiom
- pass the buckidiom
- payyourduesidiom
- pigeon
- portfolio
- purview
- remit
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- stick
be supposed to
to beintendedto:
被期望,应该,预期Thesebatteriesare supposed to last for ayear.这些电池应该能用一年。
We were supposed to have gone away thisweek, but Debbie'sillso we couldn't go.这周我们本该走了,但是戴比病了,所以我们走不了了。
How am I supposed to(= how can I)findthat muchmoneyby the end of theweek?我怎么能在周末之前弄到那么多钱呢?
- Thecostoflivingin thecityis moreexpensive, butsalariesare supposed to becorrespondinglyhigher.
- This new video-recorder is supposed to befoolproof.
- Cats are supposed to have ninelives.
- The newbroomwas supposed toimprovethe way thedepartmentismanaged, but things have beenworsethaneversince shearrived.
- Thiscreamis supposed tohelpnourishyourskin.
Planning, expecting and arranging
- accidentally
- accidentally on purposeidiom
- advertent
- advisedly
- aim atsomething
- bargain
- I might have knownidiom
- I'll/we'll cross that bridge when I/we come/get to itidiom
- insomeone'scrosshairsidiom
- in the pipelineidiom
- in the worksidiom
- planner
- provision
- purposefully
- purposely
- put the cart before the horseidiom
- puttheirheads togetheridiom
- rearrange
- settle
- sleeve
supposedadjective(OTHERS' OPINION)
[before noun]
used to show that you do notbelievethat something or someone really is what many otherpeopleconsiderthem to be:
据说的,所谓的a supposedgenius所谓的天才
Thecostsof theprogrammeoutweighitssupposedbenefits.这个方案的成本超出了它可能会带来的收益。
- Olderpeopletendto bequiteconservativeand abitsuspiciousof any supposedadvances.
- The supposedtrickle-downeffectoflowertaxesfor therichhas notyetresultedingreaterprosperityforsocietyas awhole.
- The supposedadvantagesofcitylivingmeantnothing to him.
- They were alleagerfor asharein his supposedfortune.
- Her supposed goodlookswerelegendaryat thetime.
Seeming and purporting to be
- apparent
- appear
- as if/thoughidiom
- by the look(s) of thingsidiom
- come across
- come off
- outward
- outwardly
- parallax
- pass
- pass for sb/sth
- persona
- seemingly
- semblance
- so-called
- sound
- superficial
- superficiality
- superficially
- surface
Be supposed to
Be supposed to is used to talk about obligations and arrangements:…