uk/sweər/us/swer/swore|swornswearverb(USE RUDE WORDS)
to use words that arerudeoroffensiveas a way ofemphasizingwhat youmeanor as a way ofinsultingsomeone or something:
诅咒,咒骂It was arealshock, the firsttimeIheardmymotherswear.我第一次听见母亲骂脏话时觉得非常震惊。
When thecabdriverstartedto swearathim, hewalkedaway.当出租车司机开口对他骂脏话时,他走开了。
- Please don't swear infrontof thechildren.
- I swearquitea lot butevenIdrawthelineat sayingcertainwords.
- He was soangryheforgothimself and sworeloudly.
- We couldhearhimcursingand swearing as hetriedto get thedooropen.
- He wassentoff for swearing at thereferee.
Swearing and blasphemy
- air
- bad language
- blaspheme
- blasphemously
- C-word
- cuss
- damn
- eff
- expletive
- imprecation
- oath
- profanity
- strong
- swear like a trooperidiom
- sworn
- the air is blueidiom
- the F-word
- the N-word
- trooper
- wash
topromiseor sayfirmlythat you aretellingthetruthor that you will do something orbehavein aparticularway:
发(誓);宣(誓)I don'tknowanything about whathappened, I swear(it).我发誓我对所发生的事一无所知。
[+ (that)]You mightfinditdifficulttobelieve, but I swear(that)theguyjust came up to me and gave me themoney.你可能觉得这难以置信,但我发誓,那个人确实走过来把这些钱给了我。
UKinformalShe sworeblind(=promiseddefinitely)(that)she didn'tknowwhat hadhappenedto themoney.她信誓旦旦地说她不知道钱哪儿去了。
[+ to infinitive]Newgangmembersmust sweartoobeythegangleadersat alltimes.新的帮会成员必须发誓在任何时候都服从帮会头目。
In somecountries,witnessesincourthave to swearontheBible.在有些国家,出庭证人必须手按《圣经》宣誓。
I swore anoathtotellthetruth, thewholetruth, and nothing but thetruth.我发誓要陈述实情,言无不尽,绝无半点虚言。
A few of usknewwhat was going tohappen, but we were sworntosecrecy(= we were made topromisetokeepit asecret).我们有几个人知道将要发生什么事,但我们已经发过誓要对此保密。
Ithinkhisbirthdayis on the 5th, but I wouldn't/couldn't sweartoit(= I am notcompletelycertainabout it).我想他的生日是5号,但我并不完全肯定。
to promise someone something
- promiseI promise that I'll be home before dark.
- guaranteeI can't guarantee that the operation will be successful.
- give (someone) your wordHe gave me his word that the job would be finished on time.
- assure"Don't worry, your car will be ready tomorrow", the mechanic assured him.
- swearI didn't know what happened, I swear.
- pledgeWe are asking people to pledge their support for our campaign.
- He swore he wouldavengehis brother'sdeath.
- He swore he'dpayher back for all she'd done to him.
- Soldiers must swearallegianceto the Crown.
- I swear toGodI didn'tknowabout it.
- Iwantyou to swear that you will nevertrytoseeher again.
Making & breaking promises & commitments
- bond
- breach
- broken
- cross my heart (and hope to die)idiom
- deliver
- fink
- go back onsomething
- Hippocratic oath
- honour
- keep (herself) toherselfidiom
- promise
- redeem
- renege
- so help me (God)idiom
- uncommitted
- undertake
- unkept
- vouch forsomething/someone
- warranty
- welch
Swearing and taboo expressions
Swear words and taboo words can intensify what is said, but they can shock or give offence. Swearing and the use of taboo words and expressions is quite common in speaking. We often hear and use it both in private and in public settings and in films, on television and on the radio.…Phrasal verbs
swear bysomething
swear offsomething