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sweatnoun(LIQUID)B2[U]theclear,saltyliquidthat youpassthroughyourskin: 汗,汗水 Thedancersweredrippingwith/pouringwithsweat after a morning'srehearsal.经过一上午的彩排,舞蹈演员们都大汗淋漓。 By thetimewe'dclimbedto thetopof thehill, we werecoveredinsweat.爬到山顶的时候,我们已经浑身是汗了。 Shewipedthebeads(=drops)ofsweat from herforehead.她擦了擦额头上的汗珠。 figurativeThecathedralwasbuiltbyhumantoiland sweat(=effort).这座大教堂凝聚着人们的血汗。  edelmar/E+/GettyImages - Theathletesweredrenchedin sweat.
- The sweat waspouringdown herfaceby the end of therace.
- Beads of sweatstoodout on hisforehead.
- I canfeeltricklesof sweatrunningdown myneck.
- Hesatdown andwipedthe sweat off hisforehead.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAnimal physiology: bodily fluids & their production - beaded
- bilirubin
- bogey
- bogy
- bucket
- discharge
- dribble
- dribbling
- gob
- jism
- lather
- perspiration
- pus
- snot
- sperm
- spit
- synovial
- transpiration
- uric acid
- weeping
See more results » sweatnoun(CLOTHES)sweats[plural]US(UKtracksuit) aloosetopandtrousers,worneither bypeoplewho aretrainingfor asportorexercising, or asinformalclothing (运动时或非正式场合穿的)田径服,运动服 Lorado/E+/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSportswear & swimwear - activewear
- athletic supporter
- bandeau
- baseball cap
- baseball jacket
- guernsey
- gumshield
- hydrasuit
- jersey
- jockstrap
- jodhpurs
- surf shorts
- sweatband
- sweatpants
- sweatsuit
- swim shorts
- two-piece
- unitard
- vest
- yellow jersey
See more results » sweatverb(PRODUCE LIQUID)B2[I]topasssweat through theskinbecause you arehot,ill, orfrightened: 流汗,出汗,冒汗 It was sohotwhen wearrivedin Tripoli that westartedto sweat assoonas we got off theplane.我们到达的黎波里时天气太热了,我们一下飞机就开始出汗了。 Theprisonerswere sweatingwithfear.囚犯们吓得直冒汗。 informalI was soafraid, I was sweatinglike apig(= sweating a lot).我害怕极了,浑身冒汗。 [I]If something sweats, itproducesdropsofliquidon theoutside: 渗出(水珠) Thewallsinolderhousessometimes sweatwithdamp.老房子的墙壁有时候会因为受潮而渗出水珠。 - Someone who issufferingfromsunstrokefeelsdizzyand has a hightemperature, but does not sweat.
- It was my firstinterviewand I was sweatingbuckets.
- Thisjumperalways makes me sweat.
- Theheatingwasturnedup so high that I wasbeginningto sweat.
- We were sweatingbucketssleepingunder a reallythickduvet.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAnimal physiology: bodily fluids & their production - beaded
- bilirubin
- bogey
- bogy
- bucket
- discharge
- dribble
- dribbling
- gob
- jism
- lather
- perspiration
- pus
- snot
- sperm
- spit
- synovial
- transpiration
- uric acid
- weeping
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: sweatverb(WORK HARD)[I]toworkvery hard toachievesomething: 努力工作(以取得成就) Volunteers sweated to get theroomreadyfor thedance.志愿者们为了这场舞会辛辛苦苦地打扫场地。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSucceeding, achieving and fulfilling - A game
- accomplish
- achieve
- acquit
- actualize
- bear
- go (like/down) a bombidiom
- go faridiom
- go from strength to strengthidiom
- go into orbitidiom
- go placesidiom
- grade
- kill
- rise
- scrape through(something)
- sewsomethingup
- slam dunk
- smash itidiom
- somewhere
- stand out
See more results » sweatverb(WORRY)[T]mainlyUSinformaltoworryabout something: He is agreatboss,focusedonmanagingthebigpictureandrarelysweatingthedetails. don't sweat it! mainlyUSinformalused totellsomeone not toworryabout something: Can't make thegig? Don't sweat it; you'll have plenty morechances. sweat the small stuff mainlyUSinformaltoworryabout things that are notimportant: I'm never going to sweat thesmallstuffagain. Now Iseewhat'simportant. Bepositive,don'tsweat thesmallstuff,stopdoing things you don't like. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAnxious and worried - (all) hot and botheredidiom
- -racked
- aflutter
- agitated
- angsty
- anxious
- fretfully
- frightened
- fuss
- get in a sweatidiom
- grim
- prey on sb's mindidiom
- queasily
- queasiness
- rattled
- strung out
- worriedly
- worrier
- worrywart
- wound up
See more results » Idiomsmakesomeonesweat sweat blood sweat bullets sweat it out (Definition ofsweatfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)sweatnoun(LIQUID)B2[U]theclear,saltyliquidthat youpassthroughyourskin 汗,汗水Thedancersweredrippingwith/pouringwithsweat after a morning'srehearsal.经过一上午的彩排,舞蹈演员们都大汗淋漓。 By thetimewe'dclimbedto thetopof thehill, we werecoveredinsweat.爬到山顶的时候,我们已经浑身是汗了。 Shewipedthebeads(=drops)ofsweat from herforehead.她擦了擦额头上的汗珠。 figurativeThecathedralwasbuiltbyhumantoiland sweat(=effort).这座大教堂凝聚着人们的血汗。 - Theathletesweredrenchedin sweat.
- The sweat waspouringdown herfaceby the end of therace.
- Beads of sweatstoodout on hisforehead.
- I canfeeltricklesof sweatrunningdown myneck.
- Hesatdown andwipedthe sweat off hisforehead.
sweatnoun(CLOTHES)sweats[plural]US(UKtracksuit) aloosetopandtrousers,worneither bypeoplewho aretrainingfor asportorexercising, or asinformalclothing (运动时或非正式场合穿的)田径服,运动服 sweatverb[I](PRODUCE LIQUID)B2topasssweat through theskinbecause you arehot,ill, orfrightened 流汗,出汗,冒汗It was sohotwhen wearrivedin Tripoli that westartedto sweat assoonas we got off theplane.我们到达的黎波里时天气太热了,我们一下飞机就开始出汗了。 Theprisonerswere sweatingwithfear.囚犯们吓得直冒汗。 informalI was soafraid, I was sweatinglike apig(= sweating a lot).我害怕极了,浑身冒汗。 If something sweats, itproducesdropsofliquidon theoutside. 渗出(水珠)Thewallsinolderhousessometimes sweatwithdamp.老房子的墙壁有时候会因为受潮而渗出水珠。 - Someone who issufferingfromsunstrokefeelsdizzyand has a hightemperature, but does not sweat.
- It was my firstinterviewand I was sweatingbuckets.
- Thisjumperalways makes me sweat.
- Theheatingwasturnedup so high that I wasbeginningto sweat.
- We were sweatingbucketssleepingunder a reallythickduvet.
sweatverb[I](WORK HARD)toworkvery hard toachievesomething 努力工作(以取得成就)Volunteers sweated to get theroomreadyfor thedance.志愿者们为了这场舞会辛辛苦苦地打扫场地。 Idiomsmakesbsweat sweat blood sweat bullets sweat it out sweat| American Dictionarytoexcreteasalty,colorlessliquidthrough theskin,esp. when you arehotorfrightened: He was sweatingprofusely. If something sweats, it hasdropsofliquidon theoutside: Thesodacanssweat in thishumidity. You may say you sweat if youfeelworried: We have to sweat aboutmoneybecause we don’t have much of it. thesalty,colorlessliquidthat youexcretethroughyourskin: Sweat is alsoeffortorwork: Theylivedoff the sweat andtoilofothers. (Definition ofsweatfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofsweatsweat Patients with excessive sweating on the palms 100%.From theCambridge English Corpus Increased sweating 45% (associated with heat and exercise).From theCambridge English Corpus Synchronous diaphragmatic flutter, tachypnoea, stiff gait, profuse sweating and ataxia are possible clinical signs of hypocalcaemia, but were not observed during this race4,8,32.From theCambridge English Corpus Patients with excessive sweating on: palms 90%, soles 84%, underarms 11% and face 18%.From theCambridge English Corpus Patients with excessive sweating on: palms 52%, palms and underarms 43% and underarms 6%.From theCambridge English Corpus Treatment with hyperimmune sera protected against sweating sickness and the recovered animals showed no sweating sickness symptoms upon re-challenge.From theCambridge English Corpus The first described a low level of activity, such as walking, the other a high level of activity that leads to sweating and breathlessness.From theCambridge English Corpus However, at the time of diagnosis, the majority of our patients presented with a combination of musculoskeletal manifestations, sweating and arthralgia.From theCambridge English Corpus An illness characterized by acute or insidious onset of fever, night sweats, undue fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, headache, and arthralgia.From theCambridge English Corpus On examination, the patient was bradycardic, febrile, sweating and vomiting.From theCambridge English Corpus The water of the body sweats into the river; river water is made to evaporate through the body's heat; ice melts into the street.From theCambridge English Corpus When only one organ is sweating (usually the head), it is a sign of pathological disfunction (membrorum debilitas).From theCambridge English Corpus The symptoms associated with myelofibrosis are variable and in more than 50% of patients include marked lassitude, loss of weight and night sweats.From theCambridge English Corpus Typically, seroconversion ' illness ' resembles a flu-like illness and can include fever, malaise, headaches, night sweats, nausea and diarrhoea [2-6].From theCambridge English Corpus One time he awoke in a state of terror, sweating like crazy, and he actually heard himself screaming.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/sweat## |