mainlyUSuk/ˈæk.lɪ.meɪt/us/ˈæk.lə.meɪt/(also mainlyUKacclimatize)tochangetosuitdifferentconditionsoflife,weather, etc., or to make someone or something do this:
acclimate sb to sthTeachersbeginacclimatingyoungstudentsto newlearningtechnologiesin asimpleway.
acclimate to sthIt can bedifficultto acclimate to suchextremeelevations.
become acclimated to sthApparently thezooanimalshadbecomeacclimated to thecrowdnoiseand were nolongerstartledby it.显然动物园中的动物已经对人群发出的噪音习以为常,不再会因此受到惊吓。
Gradually acclimate yourself toworkingout in theheat.
- Takeadvantageof any pre-collegeorientationprogramsso you willableto acclimate to thecampusinadvance.
- It can take severalmonthsfor 9th graders to get acclimated to highschool.
- Inorderto acclimate mybodyto the newtimezone, I got up early.
- Assoonas IsignedthecontractImovedto Cleveland, because Iwantedto acclimate myself assoonaspossible.
Adapting and modifying
- acclimation
- acclimatization
- acclimatize
- accommodate
- acculturate
- ambidextrous
- chameleon
- change with/keep up with/move with the timesidiom
- configure
- counter-adaptation
- flex
- pliant
- pliantly
- putsomethingback
- putsomething/someoneforward
- reacclimatize
- unadapted
- unamended
- writesomeoneout ofsomething
- Zelig