(especiallyoffoodordrink) having atastesimilarto that ofsugar; notbitterorsalty:
(尤指食物或饮料)甜的Thepineapplewas sweet andjuicy.这个菠萝甜而多汁。
Iprefersaltysnacksto sweetones.我更喜欢咸味零食,而不是甜的。
- Thedessertwas abittoo sweet for myliking.
- Westayedat a sweet littlecottagein thecountryside.
- He'squitea sweet man beneath thegruffexterior.
- On thewhole, Ipreferdrywinesto sweetones.
- I don't usuallyletthechildrenhave sweetfizzydrinks.
Flavours & tastes
- -flavoured
- acidic
- acidulous
- aftertaste
- ageusia
- astringency
- dishwater
- flavourful
- flavourless
- flavoursome
- fruitiness
- fullness
- pungent
- saltiness
- salty
- savory
- savoury
- seasoned
- velvety
- watery
If anemotionoreventis sweet, it is verypleasantandsatisfying:
愉快的,惬意的,令人满意的She wasenjoyingthe sweetsmellofsuccess.她沉浸在成功的喜悦中。
If asoundis sweet, it ispleasantandeasyto like:
(声音)甜美的,悦耳的,动听的She has a sweetsingingvoice.她的歌声非常甜美。
(especiallyof something or someonesmall)pleasantandattractive:
(尤指小东西或小孩子)迷人的,漂亮的,吸引人的Theylivein a sweet littlehouse.他们住在一座漂亮的小房子里。
What a sweetbaby!多漂亮的小宝宝啊!
drawing your attention
- attractiveHe's an attractive, intelligent man.
- appealingShe has an appealing sense of humour.
- engagingHe is a very engaging conversationalist.
- adorableShe has an adorable little sister.
- lovelyHe's such a lovely lad.
- sweetYour kids are so sweet.
温和的,和蔼的,讨人喜欢的IthinkAlex is really sweet.我觉得亚历克斯人真好。
Itwas sweetofyou tohelpme.您肯帮我真是太好了。
a kind person
- kindYou'll never meet a kinder person.
- niceHe's such a nice guy.
- sweetShe's the sweetest little girl in the whole class.
- good toJay's mother has been very good to us.
- good-heartedHe's a good-hearted kid who loves to help out.
Causing pleasure
- agreeable
- agreeableness
- agreeably
- all things to all peopleidiom
- attractive
- deliciously
- delight
- delightful
- delightfully
- distraction
- homely
- homey
- indulgent
- indulgently
- jovial
- sensual
- sensuous
- sensuously
- serendipitous
- sweeten
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Describing qualities of sound
Kind & thoughtful
Generous & charitable
be sweet onsomeone
sweet fanny adams
asmallpieceof sweetfood, made ofsugar:
糖果Sheboughtapacketof sweets tosuckon the way.她买了一包糖果在路上吃。

fcafotodigital/iStock/Getty Image Plus/GettyImages
anyfoodwith a lot ofsugarin it:
甜食Nocake,thanks. I'mtryingtoavoidsweets.我不想吃蛋糕,谢谢。我正尝试避免吃甜食。
sweetfoodeatenat the end of ameal:
甜点There was only one sweet on themenu-chocolatecakewithcream.菜单上只有一种甜点——巧克力奶油蛋糕。
- abagof sweets
- Johnny had atantrumin theshopbecause I wouldn'tbuyhim any sweets.
- There's a sweetshopon the othersideof theroad.
- I'mabsolutelyfull, I really couldn'tmangea sweet.
- Throwyoursweetwrappersin thebin.
- almond paste
- baking chocolate
- barley sugar
- bitter chocolate
- bittersweet chocolate
- comfit
- confectioner
- confectionery
- cooking chocolate
- cotton candy
- jelly bean
- Jordan almond
- jujube
- Kendal mint cake
- licorice
- sea foam candy
- selection box
- semisweet chocolate
- sherbet
- spun sugar
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Meals & parts of meals
my sweet
mainlyUSAustralian Englishinformaluk/swiːt/us/swiːt/used to show that you arehappyabout something orthinkit is good:
(用来表示对…很高兴或认为很好)好"I gotfreeticketsto thegig." "Sweet!"“我有演出的免费票。”“太好了!”
Linguistics: interjections
- aiyo
- alas and alackphrase
- attaboy
- attagirl
- auf Wiedersehen
- aw shucks
- eatyourheart outidiom
- figure
- goodo
- mazel tov
- more
- more power toyourelbow!idiom
- need
- need I say more?idiom
- no siridiom
- period
- small wonderidiom
- the rest is historyidiom
- you seeidiom
- yum yum