mainlyUKuk/ˈsɜː.neɪm/us/ˈsɝː.neɪm/(USusuallylast name);(UKalsosecond name)A2
thenamethat yousharewith othermembersofyourfamily; lastname:
姓,姓氏Her firstnameis Sarah but I don'tknowher surname.她名叫萨拉,但是我不知道她姓什么。
- The surname 'Smith' is verycommoninBritain.
- They'resisters, are they? Iknewtheirsurname was the same, but I never made theconnection.
- How do youpronounceyoursurname?
- Her firstnameis Sarah but I don'tknowher surname.
Names and titles
- A.N. Other
- age
- aka
- alias
- appellation
- forename
- form of address
- given name
- good name
- identity
- patronymic
- pen name
- pet name
- place name
- pseudonym
- trademark
- under the name ofidiom
- unidentified
- unnamed
- untitled