uk/swɪm/us/swɪm/present participleswimming|past tenseswam|past participleswumswimverb(MOVE IN WATER)
tomovethroughwaterbymovingthebodyorpartsof thebody:
游泳,游水Wespentthedayon thebeachbut it was toocoldtogoswimming.我们一整天都呆在海滩上,但天气太冷,不能游泳。
Herambitionis to swim(across)theEnglishChannel.她的目标是横渡英吉利海峡。
I swam twomilesthismorning.我今天早上游了两英里。
be swimming in/withsomethingdisapproving
Iffoodis swimming in/with aliquid, it has too much of thatliquidin it or on it:
(食物)浸泡在…中;充溢着Thesaladwas swimming inoil.色拉里的油太多了。
- I used to swimtwiceaweek, but Iseemto have got out of thehabitrecently.
- Wewantcleanriversandlakes, where you can swim withoutrisktoyourhealth.
- He used to swim for hiscountrywhen he wasyounger.
- Who was the firstpersonto swim theEnglishChannel?
- We swamashore.
- Aqua-Lung
- aquatics
- bathing
- bathing costume
- bathing trunks
- bellyflop
- coasteering
- dip
- dive
- diving
- dog paddle
- floaty
- freestyle
- snorkelling
- spray pad
- spray park
- spray pool
- sub-aqua
- swimathon
- wetsuit
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Movement on or through water
Not pleasant to eat or drink
swimverb(SEEM TO MOVE)
(of anobject) toseemtomovearound:
(物体)仿佛在旋转Getting up toosuddenlymade theroomswim before hereyes.因为起身太猛,她一时间觉得整个房子似乎都在旋转。
Ifyourheadswims, youfeelconfusedand areunabletothinkorseeclearly:
(头)晕眩,发晕After the second or thirddrink, myheadbeganto swim.两三杯酒下肚之后,我就开始觉得头晕了。
Revolving, rotating and spinning
- around
- around and aroundidiom
- backspin
- birl
- centrifugal
- circuit
- rev
- revolve
- revolving
- rotary
- rotate
- rotation
- span
- spin
- swing
- twirl
- twirling
- twirly
- underspin
- wheel round
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Headaches & dizziness
atimewhen you swim:
游泳,游水Let'sgo for/havea swim thisafternoon.我们今天下午去游泳吧。

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- We went for a swim tocooloff.
- I had aquickswim and then gotchanged.
Movement on or through water
- buoyantly
- cast
- castsomeoneadriftidiom
- dabble
- dip
- float
- hydroplane
- outsail
- paddle
- paddler
- raft
- row
- sail
- smoothness
- surface
- tack
- wade
- wallow
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: