according to
uk/əˈkɔː.dɪŋ ˌtuː/us/əˈkɔːr.dɪŋ ˌtuː/according topreposition(OPINION)
据…所说;按…所记载According to Sarah they're not getting on very well at themoment.据萨拉说,他们目前关系不是太好。
According toourrecordsyouoweus $130.根据我们的记录,你欠我们130美元。
according to the newspapers, records, etc.
- according toAccording to reports, the ceasefire is holding.
- as stated by/inAs stated by medical experts, these products are totally safe when used correctly.
- as maintained byThere is no reason to change your diet, as maintained by some lifestyle experts.
- as claimed bySo-called superfoods will not make you live longer, as claimed by some advertising.
- Anagreementislookingdecidedlydifficultaccording to thenewspapers.
- the Gospel according to StMark
- According to Ella, it was the firsttimethey hadmet.
- According to thesedocuments, you stilloweus £2,000.
- You've been veryrude, according toyourmother.
Quoting & making references
- aforementioned
- allude tosomeone/something
- allusion
- allusiveness
- as forsomeone/somethingidiom
- bandy
- bandysomethingaround
- bring
- direct speech
- further
- indirect speech
- quote
- quote...unquoteidiom
- refer tosomeone/something
- reference
- referent
- rub
- rubsomethingin
- touch
- word
according topreposition(METHOD)
in a way thatagreeswith:
根据;按照Students are all put in differentgroupsaccording totheirability.所有的学生都按能力进行编组。
according to the law, rules, etc.
- according toIf we do not act according to the rules laid down for such cases, there will be chaos.
- in line withWhat she did was not always completely in line with the law.
- in accordance withThe council has not acted in accordance with its obligations.
- obeyIf they don't obey the rules, they will be asked to leave.
- followWe are obliged to follow the law in this matter.
according to plan
Something thathappensaccording toplanhappensin the way it wasintendedto:
按部就班;按照计划进行Did it all go according toplan?一切都是按计划进行的吗?
- Thebooksin thelibraryareclassifiedby/according tosubject.
- Vegetablepricesfluctuateaccording to theseason.
- Thebooksaregradedaccording to thedifficultyof thelanguage.
- Igroupedthechildrenaccording toage.
- Thebookswereorganizedon theshelvesaccording totheirsize.
Obedient and compliant
- accordance
- acquiescent
- adherence
- be (like) sheepidiom
- creature
- dutiful
- dutifully
- easy
- follower
- I'm easyidiom
- obedience
- pursuant
- sheep
- sheeple
- slavish
- slavishly
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- subservience
- what/whateversomeonesays goesidiom
- yielding
According to
According to means ‘as reported by’ or ‘as stated by’ and refers to an opinion which is not the speaker’s opinion. According to usually occurs in front position. It is commonly followed by a noun phrase and sometimes by a clause:…