uk/tɑːr/us/tɑːr/ablacksubstance,stickywhenhot, usedespeciallyfor makingroads
Nehru Sulejmanovski/EyeEm/GettyImages
one of thepoisonoussubstancesfoundintobacco:
Road surfaces & features
- asphalt
- asphalting
- bike lane
- bitumen
- black spot
- curb cut
- cycle lane
- cycle track
- double yellow line
- dropped kerb
- parklet
- pavement
- paver
- paving stone
- potholed
- slow lane
- speed bump
- tarmac
- tight turn
- traffic island
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Building materials
Tobacco & smoking
beat/knock/whale the tar out ofsomeone
uk/tɑːr/us/tɑːr/-rr-to put tar on asurface
(在…表面)覆盖焦油;铺柏油todescribesomeone in anegativeway, or to make them beconsideredin anegativeway,especiallyunfairly:
He is not tarred by thescandalsof the past.
Hisreputationas a Vietnam Warheromeanshe cannoteasilybe tarredwiththatoldlabelof being "softondefence".
Road surfaces & features
- asphalt
- asphalting
- bike lane
- bitumen
- black spot
- curb cut
- cycle lane
- cycle track
- double yellow line
- dropped kerb
- parklet
- pavement
- paver
- paving stone
- potholed
- slow lane
- speed bump
- tarmac
- tight turn
- traffic island
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Critical & uncomplimentary
tarsomeonewith the same brush
tar and feathersomeone