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tabnoun[C](SMALL OBJECT)asmallpieceofpaper,metal, etc. that isattachedto somethinglargerand is used for givinginformation,fastening,opening, etc.: 标签,标牌Make afilefolderfor thesedocumentsand write "finance" on the tab.把这些文件归档,在标签上写明“财务”字样。 Insert Tab A into Slot A andglue, beforestandingthemodelupright.把标签 A 插入槽 A 粘好,然后把模型立起来。 USthesmallpieceofmetal, oftenjoinedto aring, that ispulledoff orpushedinto thetopof acan(=metaldrinkcontainer)toopenit: (易拉罐的)拉环 Wepulledthe tabs on thebeer, andtoastedthegodsoftravel. The tabs fromsodacansoften end up aslitter.  Laura Preusser/EyeEm/GettyImages Northern Englishacigarette 香烟 informal(alsotab of acid)asmallpieceofpapercontainingthedrugLSD 含迷幻药的小纸片 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBands, straps and strips - armband
- band
- bar
- blindfold
- braid
- collar
- dog collar
- duct tape
- gag
- loom bands
- masking tape
- raffia
- riband
- ribbon
- straight edge
- strap
- streamer
- stripe
- sweatband
- webbed
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Lids, covers and stoppers Tobacco & smoking Specific types of drug tabnoun[C](COMPUTER)asmallsymbolon acomputerscreenorwebsitethatallowsyou toopendifferentdocumentsorpages: (计算机屏幕或网站上的)标签Move betweenpagesbyclickingon the tabs at thetopof thescreen.点击屏幕上方的标签转换页面。 afixedpositionon alineoftextthat can bereachedbypressingthetabkeyon akeyboard (文字行上的)定位栏SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesInternet terminology - above/below the foldidiom
- address bar
- affiliate link
- affiliate marketing
- all-you-can-eat
- domain name
- internet
- internet café
- internet-enabled
- interweb
- IP
- keyboard warrior
- podcast
- refresh
- shopping basket
- unlike
- upvote
- user experience
- utility computing
- UX
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: tabnoun[C](BILL)the tabinformal thetotalmoneychargedin arestaurantorhotelforfood,drinks, etc.: (待付的)账单,账款Hekindlyofferedtopickupthe tab(=pay).他客气地主动要求付账。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBills & invoices - bill
- billing
- bond
- charge
- chit
- claim form
- counterfoil
- credit note
- mischarge
- passbook
- payslip
- pro forma
- sales slip
- store credit
- ticket
- toll
- tolled
- Treasury bond
- unbilled
- water bill
See more results » Idiomkeep tabs onsomething/someone (Definition oftabfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)tabnoun[C](SMALL OBJECT)asmallpieceofpaper,metal, etc. that isattachedto somethinglargerand is used for givinginformation,fastening,opening, etc. 标签,标牌Make afilefolderfor thesedocumentsand write "finance" on the tab.把这些文件归档,在标签上写明“财务”字样。 Insert Tab A into Slot A andglue, beforestandingthemodelupright.把标签 A 插入槽 A 粘好,然后把模型立起来。 US(UKringpull)thesmallpieceofmetal, oftenjoinedto aring, that ispulledoff orpushedinto thetopof acan(=metaldrinkcontainer)toopenit (易拉罐的)拉环 Northern Englishacigarette 香烟 informal(alsotab of acid)asmallpieceofpapercontainingthedrugLSD 含迷幻药的小纸片 tabnoun[C](COMPUTER)asmallsymbolon acomputerscreenorwebsitethatallowsyou toopendifferentdocumentsorpages (计算机屏幕或网站上的)标签Move betweenpagesbyclickingon the tabs at thetopof thescreen.点击屏幕上方的标签转换页面。 afixedpositionon alineoftextthat can bereachedbypressingthetabkeyon akeyboard (文字行上的)定位栏 tabnoun[C](BILL)the tabinformal thetotalmoneychargedin arestaurantorhotelforfood,drinks, etc. (待付的)账单,账款Hekindlyofferedtopickupthe tab(=pay).他客气地主动要求付账。 tabnoun[C](SMALL PIECE)asmallpieceofmaterialon abox, can, orcontainerthat ispulledtoopenit A tab is also asmallpieceofpaperorplasticattachedto apaperorfileso it can befoundeasily. tabnoun[C](AMOUNT CHARGED)anamountchargedfor aserviceor for amealin arestaurant: Heofferedtopickup the tab forlunch(=payfor it). (Definition oftabfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)asmallpieceofpaper,metal, orcloththat isattachedto theedgeof something: Themetaltabs at one end are where thewiresfasten. IT,INTERNETasmallsymbolon awebsitethat gives youinformationabout the differentpagesyou canopenon thatwebsite: Move betweenpagesbyclickingon the tabs at thetopof thescreen. IT(alsotab stop)afixedpositionon alineoftextthat you are writing on acomputer, etc. that can bereachedbypressingthetabkey informaltheamountofmoneythat ischargedfor something: Thecommitteewillreimbursethestate$70,000 of the $105,000 tab for arecenttrademissionto Ireland. The tab tocleanup themesscausedby theoilspillhas alreadyhit$9 million. pick up the tab (for sth)Thestatepicksup thehealthcaretab for many low-incomeclients. pay the tab (for sth)Pharmaceuticalcompaniespaymost of the tab for thetrials. arecordof what you haveorderedor used but notyetpaidfor,especiallyin abarorrestaurant: put sth on the/your tabJust put it on the tab,please. on sb's tabIordereddrinksfor everyone,eventhough this was all going on my tab. They were put up inhotelson the state's tab. tothinkor say that someone or something should have aparticularjobor use: tab sb to do sthHe was tabbed torestoregloryanddignitytoUSABasketball. tab sb as sthTheCEOunofficiallytabbed him as hissuccessor. tab sb/sth for sthShe was tabbed for aseaton the Board. tab sth with sthThere was astackof mail-ordercataloguestabbed withstickylabels. (Definition oftabfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesoftabtab To formalise the problem we have to interpret the phrase 'replaces blanks with tabs where possible'.From theCambridge English Corpus By 2004 ravers themselves will be picking up thetab, a development which will surely reduce significantly the already dwindling appeal of the event.From theCambridge English Corpus This was publicly displayed by a uniform with an orange flash shouldertab.From theCambridge English Corpus A user can view and specify formulas by clicking on the formula tabs attached to the bottom right of each cell.From theCambridge English Corpus A formulatabhas been left visible to show where the user is expected to provide an input formula.From theCambridge English Corpus But for major changes involving the whole stage the tabs had to come down.From theCambridge English Corpus In the following figures, the two tabs that manage the application can be seen.From theCambridge English Corpus If a new agent joins the system, a newtabis dynamically added to the view.From theCambridge English Corpus In order to distinguish the phonemes in "bat" and "tab," it is necessary to postulate that not phonemes, but phonemes-in-context are the elements of representation.From theCambridge English Corpus The % signs mark holes that are to be instantiated; the marks $t (tab) and $b (backtab) are escape sequences that control prettyprinting.From theCambridge English Corpus In brief, the problem was to replace sequences of blanks in a file bytabcharacters wherever possible.From theCambridge English Corpus Most programming languages have a set of layout rules, which specify how whitespace (spaces, tabs, and newlines) may be used to improve readability.From theCambridge English Corpus By means of thistab, the user can move the arm indicating the relative movement of each joint.From theCambridge English Corpus Among other nifty nuances are four different formats for underlining: everything includingtabgaps, nothing but alphanumerics, and two intermediary increments.From theCambridge English Corpus But one thing is certain: constantly up-dated online dictionaries can provide a fascinating way to keep tabs on what words currently whet our curiosity.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/tab## |