geologyUKspecializeduk/tɑːn/us/tɑːrn/asmallmountainlakein ahollowareasurroundedbysteepslopesformedby aglacier:
Hewantedthem todiscoverthe tarns,valleys, andfellsof hisbelovedLake District.
At Sprinkling Tarn westaggeredinto thewaterfor adip.

Roberto Moiola/Sysaworld/GettyImages
- Thetinyvillageof Watendlath is asmallfarmingcommunitybeside asmalltarn.
- Weclimbeda littlefurtherand Arthurcooledoff in the tarn.
- Thecarparkisbarely500metresfrom the tarn, and thefootpathsaround thewaterarewide.
Inland waters
- body
- catchment area
- crater lake
- fiord
- fjord
- L, l
- lake
- Lake Baikal
- loch
- lough
- millpond
- oxbow lake
- pond
- pool
- reservoir
- ribbon lake
- slop
- stretch
- tank
- the Great Lakes