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tagnoun(SMALL PART)[C]asmallpieceofpaper,cloth, ormetalwithinformationon it,tiedorstuckonto somethinglarger:  Image Source/Image Source/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesInformation and messages - advertisement
- aide-mémoire
- ammunition
- basics
- fascia
- info
- infodemic
- infodump
- infographic
- information
- memorandum
- poop
- postscript
- push notification
- radiogram
- readout
- relabel
- shingle
- the bare bones
- the real deal
See more results » tagnoun(ELECTRONIC DEVICE)anelectronicdevicethat isfastenedto aperson,animal, orobject, so thatpolice,scientists, or otherpeoplecanknowwhere they are orfindotherinformationabout them: He wasreleasedfromjailearlywearinga tag and waslatercaughtdealingdrugs. High-valueitemsinstoresoften havesecuritytagsattached. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesInformation and messages - advertisement
- aide-mémoire
- ammunition
- basics
- fascia
- info
- infodemic
- infodump
- infographic
- information
- memorandum
- poop
- postscript
- push notification
- radiogram
- readout
- relabel
- shingle
- the bare bones
- the real deal
See more results » tagnoun(ON CAR)USasignon aroadvehiclethatshowstheofficialset ofnumbersandlettersthatidentifiesit: Delaware'slicensetagsbeartheslogan"The FirstState". AstatetrooperobservedtheredToyota with Tennessee tags andstoppedthevehiclein Alabama. Licenseplatescannersrecordtagsenteringthecity. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe exterior of vehicles - a fifth/third wheelidiom
- bull bar
- cab
- coachwork
- crumple zone
- finny
- fog light
- full beam
- hazard light
- headlight
- high beams
- hubcap
- mudflap
- sidelight
- sunroof
- tire
- tow bar
- tread
- turn signal
- wing
See more results » tagnoun(GAME)[U]agameplayedby two or morechildrenin which onechildchasestheothersandtriestotouchone of them. Thischildthenbecomesthe one who does thechasing. (儿童玩的)捉人游戏 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesChildren's games - dress-up box
- dressing-up box
- follow-my-leader
- French cricket
- go fish
- Hacky Sack
- hide-and-seek
- hopscotch
- jack
- leapfrog
- life
- musical chairs
- painting
- painting by numbersidiom
- peekaboo
- piggy in the middle
- piggyback
- Pokémon
- trick-or-treating
- warm
See more results » tagnoun(GRAMMAR)[C]languagespecializeda phrase such as "he is" or "isn't it?",addedon to asentenceforemphasis, or toturnit into aquestion, usually to getagreementor tocheckinformation 附加强调语;附加疑问句 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLinguistics: grammatical terms - ablative
- apposition
- appositive
- appositively
- attributively
- concord
- demonstrative
- feminine
- intensifier
- nominal
- nominative
- predicatively
- premodifier
- quantifier
- regularity
- singular
- stative
- syntactic
- syntax
- uncountable
See more results » tagnoun(MARK)[C]atypeofgraffiti(= words andpicturesdrawninpublicplacesonwalls, etc.)thatshowswho hasdrawnit and thatrepresentsasignature: The tag is the mostcommonlyseengraffitiin anyurbansetting.在都市涂鸦中,签名涂鸦是最常见的。  ejs9/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSigning & signatures - anon
- co-sign
- co-signatory
- co-signer
- countersign
- initial
- John Hancock
- non-signer
- notarize
- sign(something)off
- sign forsomething
- sign for/withsomeone
- sign in
- sign on
- sign out
- signature
- signing
- the undersigned
- unsigned
- witness
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: tagnoun(SOCIAL MEDIA)alinkto someone'sprofilefrom aphotoorcommenton awebsitesuch as Instagram orFacebook: You canremoveyourtag from aphotoonFacebook. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesInternet, email and texting conventions - a/s/l
- afaik
- afk
- bak
- BC
- f2f
- hth
- idk
- iirc
- ikr
- otoh
- personalization
- pita
- pmji
- rofl
- unfollow
- unmute
See more results » GrammarTags Tags are either questions, statements or imperatives added to a clause to invite a response from the listener:… Tags: uses Tags are either questions, statements or imperatives added to a clause to invite a response from the listener:… Tags: form Tags consist of one of the auxiliary verbs be, do or have, or the main verb be, or a modal verb, plus a subject, which is most commonly a pronoun:… Question tags Question tags turn statements into yes-no questions. There are two types.… Imperative tags A tag after an imperative clause softens the imperative a little. The tag verb is most commonly will but we can also use would, could, can and won’t:… Statement tags We can use a statement tag to emphasise or reinforce an affirmative statement. The tag is also affirmative. They typically invite the listener to agree or sympathise in some way, or to offer a parallel comment. Statement tags are very informal:… Universal tags:right, yeah We can use right and yeah in very informal situations instead of question tags:… tagverb[T](SMALL PART)to put a tag on something 给…贴上标签,给…挂上标牌SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesIdentifying - ascribesomethingtosomething
- ascription
- badged
- badging
- band
- distinguishing
- dog tag
- geotag
- id
- ID card
- identifiable
- microchip
- misidentification
- misidentify
- passport
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingout
- reidentify
- stamp
- traceable
See more results » tagverb[T](COMPUTING)computingspecializedtomarkcomputerinformationto beprocessedin aparticularway (计算机中以标识符)标示,标记 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOperating computers - admin
- aliasing
- always-on
- backsomeoneup
- black hat
- computerate
- computerize
- crack
- drill down
- escape
- keyboarder
- maximize
- miswrite
- mouse oversomething
- munging
- navigational
- scroll
- telecottage
- ticket
- uninstall
See more results » tagverb[T](SOCIAL MEDIA)toaddalinkto someone'sprofilefrom aphotoorcommenton awebsitesuch as Instagram orFacebook: I don'tmindifpeopletag me withoutasking. You don'twantapotentialemployerseeingthoseFridaynightpicturesyourfriendhas tagged you in. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesInternet, email and texting conventions - a/s/l
- afaik
- afk
- bak
- BC
- f2f
- hth
- idk
- iirc
- ikr
- otoh
- personalization
- pita
- pmji
- rofl
- unfollow
- unmute
See more results » (Definition oftagfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)tagnoun(SMALL PART)[C]asmallpieceofpaper,cloth, ormetal, on which there isinformation,tiedorstuckonto somethinglarger tagnoun(GAME)[U]agameplayedby two or morechildrenin which onechildchasestheothersandtriestotouchone of them. Thischildthenbecomesthe one who does thechasing. (儿童玩的)捉人游戏 tagnoun(GRAMMAR)[C]languagespecializeda phrase such as "he is" or "isn't it?",addedon to asentenceforemphasis, or toturnit into aquestion, usually to getagreementor tocheckinformation 附加强调语;附加疑问句 tagnoun(MARK)[C]atypeofgraffiti(= words andpicturesdrawninpublicplacesonwalls, etc.)thatshowswho hasdrawnit and thatrepresentsasignature (一种代表作者的)签名涂鸦The tag is the mostcommonlyseengraffitiin anyurbansetting.在都市涂鸦中,签名涂鸦是最常见的。 GrammarTags Tags are either questions, statements or imperatives added to a clause to invite a response from the listener:… Tags: uses Tags are either questions, statements or imperatives added to a clause to invite a response from the listener:… Tags: form Tags consist of one of the auxiliary verbs be, do or have, or the main verb be, or a modal verb, plus a subject, which is most commonly a pronoun:… Question tags Question tags turn statements into yes-no questions. There are two types.… Imperative tags A tag after an imperative clause softens the imperative a little. The tag verb is most commonly will but we can also use would, could, can and won’t:… Statement tags We can use a statement tag to emphasise or reinforce an affirmative statement. The tag is also affirmative. They typically invite the listener to agree or sympathise in some way, or to offer a parallel comment. Statement tags are very informal:… Universal tags:right, yeah We can use right and yeah in very informal situations instead of question tags:… tagverb[T](SMALL PART)to put a tag on something 给…贴上标签,给…挂上标牌 tagverb[T](COMPUTING)computingspecializedtomarkcomputerinformationto beprocessedin aparticularway (计算机中以标识符)标示,标记 tagnoun(SIGN)[C]asmallpieceofpaper,cloth, ormetalattachedto anitemandcontaininginformationabout it: Did youcheckthepricetag on thatsweater? tagnoun(GAME)[U]agameforchildrenin which onechildchasestheothersandtriestotouchone of them, who then is the one whochasesthechildren tagverb[T](GAME)totouchsomeone in thegameof tag: I tagged you, now you’re it! tagverb[T](ATTACH SIGN)to put a tag on something: Theitemsare tagged andstackedonshelves. (Definition oftagfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)asmallpieceofpaper,plastic,cloth, etc.attachedto something thatshowssomeinformationabout it: Many of thebibshave a tagsewninto theliningthatcontainsthe UPCnumber. Valuablepiecesaremarkedwith a tagdescribingthe item'sageandpedigree. Theclerkswearblackshirtsandnametags. COMMERCE(alsosmart tag)asmallelectronicobjectthat isattachedto aproductinorderto giveitsposition, or tostoppeoplefromstealingit: Trackyourdeliveriesinventorieswithsmarttags. Inagriculture, tags are used totracklivestock. ITaseriesofletters,numbers, orsymbolsbefore or after apieceofelectronicdatathattellsthecomputerhow totreatit: The tag is alinkthattakesyou to awebpage. To put anythingcomplicatedin awebpageyou have to put it in tags. Thelegalstaffare beingrequiredtoprint, tag andcollatethedocumentsthemselves. Ranchhandswill tag andtrackthesecattlethroughoutthe twoyearsbefore theyreachthepackingplant. tag sth with sthEachitemis tagged with apriceand where tobuyit. ITtomarkelectronicdatawith aseriesoflettersornumbers: tag sth with sthEachdownloadis tagged with aniconthatidentifiesthetypeoffile. (Definition oftagfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesoftagtag An additional 2962 recruits were tagged in 1988, 1990 and 1996.From theCambridge English Corpus In dialogue act tagging, we found that useful rules did not always refer to the currenttagof an incorrectly tagged instance.From theCambridge English Corpus The testing mode is used to test a module on an unseen tagged corpus, so to understand how well it performs on a specific application.From theCambridge English Corpus In general, lexical insertions and tags are interjected from one language into a sentence that is otherwise entirely in another language.From theCambridge English Corpus For example, with a significantly smaller corpus, the proposed rules will affect the tags of fewer instances even early in the training phase.From theCambridge English Corpus Rather than encoding order in the representation, a new device is introduced : tagging a morpheme with a syntactic tableau.From theCambridge English Corpus We will call these elementary structures supertags, in order to distinguish them from the standard part-of-speech tags.From theCambridge English Corpus A search in the specialized literature shows that at least 40 articles about parasites as biological tags have been published since 1995.From theCambridge English Corpus It can be seen that each of these seventagsequences corresponds to exactly one full analysis.From theCambridge English Corpus We built it by extracting the lexical words in our training data, and leaving only these tags.From theCambridge English Corpus The developed approach has the advantages of both adaptive and robust control laws, without their discolour tags.From theCambridge English Corpus For example, one could first segment a dialogue into utterances, then annotate disfluencies, and thentagthe utterances with speech acts.From theCambridge English Corpus Consequently, the number of words tagged fell far short of the 1000 initially promised.From theCambridge English Corpus Thetag-line for these books is extremely attractive, promising a focus on how 'people make music meaningful and useful in their lives'.From theCambridge English Corpus The usual treatment of this problem is to attach tags to messages so that they become distinct from each other.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/tag## |