tai chi
(alsot'ai chi,Tai Chi,T'ai Chi)uk/ˌtaɪ ˈtʃiː/us/ˌtaɪ ˈtʃiː/(alsotai chi chuan,t'ai chi ch'uan,uk/taɪ ˌtʃiː tʃuˈɑːn/us/taɪ ˌtʃiː tʃuˈɑːn/)aformofexercise,originallyfromChina,involvingslowmovementsof thebody:
Stretching isimportantin the mostwidelyacceptedandoldestformsofexercise, such asrunning,yoga, and taichi.
Thepracticeof taichichuan mayimproveyourbalanceandbonemineraldensity.
Ourclassesaredesignedtointroduceyou to the T'ai Chibasics.

Sylvain Sonnet/PhotolibraryGettyImages
- He said thatexercisesthatcombinemovingandbalancing, such as Tai Chi, canhelppreventfalls.
- One of the first things you need to do in thepracticeof taichichuan is to come totermswithitsslow,dreamlikemovements.
- T'aichiis atraditionalChineseconditioningexercisedevelopedmore than 700yearsago.
Exercising & training
- aerial yoga
- aerobic
- Anti-Gravity yoga
- aquacise
- aquarobics
- bench
- interval training
- jog
- jog trot
- jumping jack
- Kegel exercise
- kettlebell
- resistance training
- Spinning
- stability ball
- star jump
- sweat
- Swiss ball
- taper
- triceps dip