in thesportofwrestling, anoccasionwhen someone isthrownquicklyto thefloorby thepersonhe or she isfightingagainst:
(摔跤比赛中将对方)摔倒Neitherwrestlergot a takedown in the second one-minutesuddendeathperiod.两名摔跤手在第二个一分钟的突然死亡阶段都没有被击倒。
Fighting sports
- aikido
- all-in wrestling
- arm-wrestling
- bantamweight
- black belt
- feint
- foil
- full nelson
- grappler
- gumshield
- half nelson
- outfight
- prizefight
- prizefighter
- pugilist
- pugilistic
- punch-drunk
- punchbag
- southpaw
- wrestling
something such as atelevisionreport,speech, orpieceof writing in which someone or something iscriticizedverystronglyand indetail:
(电视节目、发言或文章中的)贬抑,羞辱,抨击Barris' takedown ofrealityTV israzor-sharp.巴里斯对真人秀电视节目的抨击非常犀利。
Judgments and analyses
- analysis
- anatomy
- appraisal
- appraisee
- assessment
- construction
- counter-interpretation
- impact statement
- interpretation
- job evaluation
- judgment
- misanalysis
- notice
- rap
- rating
- re-evaluation
- re-review
- restudy
- self-appraisal
- study
takedownnoun[C](BY POLICE)
anoccasionwhen thepolicearrestapersonor agroupofpeople:
(警方的)突然搜捕He said they had put amajordentindrugsalesin thecommunitywith the takedown of thegang.他表示,警方捣毁这个团伙的行动使社区毒品销售大受打击。
Arresting & charging
- apprehend
- apprehension
- arrest
- assist
- attach
- attachment
- busted
- charge
- collar
- fed
- handcuff
- handcuffs
- house arrest
- knock
- nail
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingup
- post-arrest
- probable cause
- pull
anoccasionwhen someone isdefeated,especiallyin asport:
(尤指在体育比赛中)(被)打败the 6-4, 7-5, 6-3 takedown of theSwedishnewcomerby the moreexperiencedSwissplayer瑞典新人以6-4, 7-5, 6-3的比分被经验丰富的瑞士选手所击败
Winning and defeating
- annihilate
- annihilation
- bank
- be gunning forsomeoneidiom
- be one in the eye forsomeoneidiom
- convincing
- moral victory
- move/go in for the killidiom
- near thing
- outclass
- outcompete
- sew
- slaughter
- sweep
- sweep the boardidiom
- takesomeonedown
- takesomeoneto the cleaner'sidiom
- takesomethingapart
- thrashing
- wipe
anoccasionwhen awebsiteordocumentisofficiallyremovedfrom theinternet:
(网址或文件从互联网上)删除,取缔Lastyeara takedownnoticetargetingasinglesiteparodyingthe U.S. Chamber of Commerceresultedin a takedown of thewebsitesof over 300activistorganizations.去年,有一个网站故意模仿嘲弄美国商会,一份针对该网站的取缔通知却导致了300多个激进组织的网站被关闭。
Removing and getting rid of things
- abandonment
- banish
- be scattered to the four windsidiom
- bin
- castsomeone/somethingaside/away/off
- dumping
- eradication
- erase
- erasure
- evacuate
- evacuation
- exorcism
- fling
- scrape
- shedding
- shoo
- shrug
- shrugsomethingoff
- shuck
- sling