adeviceshapedlike aboxwith ascreenthatreceiveselectricalsignalsandchangesthem intomovingimagesandsound, or themethodorbusinessofsendingimagesandsoundbyelectricalsignals:
电视机;电视;电视广播业a 3D/an HD television3D/高清电视
Could youturnthe television down?你把电视声音调小点好吗?
It's one of the few televisionprogrammesthat I stillwatch.这是我一直坚持看的少数几个电视节目之一。
Is there anything goodontelevisiontonight?今晚有什么好看的电视节目吗?
Clare hasworkedintelevision since sheleftcollege.克莱尔大学毕业后一直在电视业界工作。
Yourproblemis that youwatchtoo much television.你的问题在于电视看得太多。

George Mdivanian/EyeEm/GettyImages
- Our new television has a veryclearpicture.
- You said we couldwatchtelevision when we'vefinishedourhomework.
- Thenewson televisiontonightwas verydepressing, asusual.
- Iwishthey'd show moredramasanddocumentarieson television,insteadof all thesequizzesandrealityTVshows.
Broadcasting: television
- aerial
- autotune
- best boy
- boob tube
- breakfast television
- broadcast
- footage
- gaffer
- ghost image
- goggle-box
- HD
- plasma screen
- receiver
- reveal
- set-top box
- shopping channel
- shout-out
- smart TV
- sweep
- the small screen