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单词 tell


to say something to someone, often giving theminformationorinstructions
Tell meaboutyourholidaythen.那么跟我说说你的假期吧。
[+ two objects]Can you tell me how to get to thelibrary?请问去图书馆怎么走?
[+ obj + (that)]Did you tell anyone(that)you were coming toseeme?你有没有跟任何人说起要来看我?
[+ obj + speech]"I'mleavingyou," she told him.“我要离开你,”她跟他说。
[+ obj + to infinitive]I told hertogohome.我叫她回家。
formalHe told usofhisextraordinarychildhood.他给我们讲述了他不寻常的童年。
I can't tell you howgratefulI am foryourhelp(= I amextremelygrateful).我对你的帮助感激不尽。
tell a lie/lies
to say something/things that are nottrue
She's always tellinglies.她老是说谎。
tell it like it isinformal
to tell thefactswithouthidinganything
tell talesdisapproving
If someone, usually achild, tellstales, they tell someone such as ateacherabout somethingbadthat someoneelsehas done.
Yourclassmateswon'ttrustyou if you're always tellingtales, Alvin.阿尔文,如果你老是打小报告,你的同学会不信任你的。
See also
tell the truth
How do youknowshe's telling thetruth?你怎么知道她讲的是实话?
to tell (you) the truth
to behonest
To tell (you) thetruth, I didn'tunderstanda word of what he was saying.说实话,他说的我一点儿也听不懂。
More examples
  • They wouldn't tell me how they had got myaddress.
  • Ifeltit was mydutyto tell them thetruth.
  • Gather (a)round,children, and I'll tell you astory.
  • Thedoctortold me toavoidfattyfoods.
  • No-one told me she wasill.


toknow,recognize, or becertain
"He'sDutch." "How can you tell?"“他是荷兰人。”“你怎么知道?”
[+ (that)]I could tell(that)you wereunhappy.我看得出你当时很不高兴。
If something tells you something, it gives youinformation.
What does thesurveytell usaboutthelivesofteenagers?这次调查给我们提供了有关青少年生活的什么信息?
tell the difference
tonoticeadifferenceinqualitybetween two things
Thiscoffeeis abouthalfthepriceof that one andyetyou really can't tell thedifference.这种咖啡的价格差不多是那种的一半,而你根本分辨不出它们有什么不同。
tellsb'sfortune(alsotell fortunes)
to say what willhappenin someone'sfuture
At thefair, there was aladywho toldyourfortune.集市上有一个算命的女人。
tell the timeUK(UStell time)
to beabletounderstandaclock
Mydaughterhas justlearnedto tell thetime.我女儿刚刚学会看时间。
there is no telling
there is no way ofknowing
There is no tellingwhat thefuturewillholdfor them.不知道他们的未来会怎么样。
you never can tellB2(alsoyou can never tell)
said tomeanthat you can neverknowor becertain
Whoknowswhat willhappento Peter and me in thefuture- you can never tell.谁知道彼得和我将来会怎么样呢——谁也无法预料。
More examples
  • I could tell from herexpressionthat somethingserioushadhappened.
  • You can tell it'sautumnbecause theleaveshavestartedtofall.
  • Who can tell what thefutureholds?
  • Can you tell the thedifferencebetweenpoisonousmushroomsandediblevarieties?
  • I could tell he was reallyupset, though hetriednot to show it.

tellverb(HAVE AN EFFECT)

to have aneffect
She's been under a lot ofstressrecentlyand it'sstartingto tell.她最近压力很大,而且这已经开始让她吃不消了。


Say and tell are irregular verbs. The past simple of say is said, the past simple of tell is told:
Sayandtellwith objects
Both say and tell take a direct object. The object is most commonly the reported clause (the report of what someone said).
Tell+ indirect object +to-infinitive
We use tell with an indirect object and a to-infinitive to report a command or an instruction. We don’t normally use say in this way:


I'm telling you
(I) toldyou(so)!
(I'll) tell you what
tell me about it!
tell me another one!
you're telling me!

Phrasal verbs

tell againstsb/sth
tell onsb


He told the story of a young clergyman being rebuffed by a belligerently irreligious farmer.
From theCambridge English Corpus
She told a story about a beautiful organ in a church.
From theCambridge English Corpus
He tells her how the book ends, "to save her the trouble of wading through it," as he says.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In the bad, old days, epistemology told us the terms in which to explain everything.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The child tells her imaginary baby two stories of empire, in quick succession.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The manly man 'talks straight', tells it only as it is, and is keen to produce an art which has no ostensible aesthetic purpose.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The difference is that the one tells of what has happened, the other of the kinds of things that might happen.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Eyewitnesses may fail to distinguish between memories of what they actually saw and what they have subsequently been told (or read) about the same event.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The full story of this invaluable recovery and of the correspondence with the senders would be worth telling but it gets only two brief paragraphs.
From theCambridge English Corpus
He told me of one case he had had of a woman in her early twenties.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Her son had told her to leave his house.
From theCambridge English Corpus
I remember him telling me how over the years it was a role which he had been able to approach from many different standpoints.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The winter was mild, which also told against the miners' cause.
From theCambridge English Corpus
He was just telling us and you learn.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The children were told they would be shown two pictures, and that the experimenter would say a description of one of the pictures.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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