uk/təˈmæn.djʊ.ə/us/təˈmæn.də.wə/atypeofanteater(= amammalthateatsantsortermitesand has alongnoseandtongueand noteeth)thatlivesintreesinSouthAmerica:
小食蚁兽Visitors to thezoocan alsoviewa tamandua, a tree-dwellinganteaterfromSouthAmerica.动物园的游客还可以看到小食蚁兽,一种来自南美的树栖食蚁兽。

- Researchers havefoundevidenceof twosmallerbutrelatedanimals: thesilkyanteaterand thenortherntamandua.
- These are the three very different ant-eaters ofSouthAmerica: the gazelle-sizedgiantof thesavannahs, the squirrel-sizedpygmyfrom theforestcanopy, and the monkey-sized tamandua fromitsmid-storey.
- In the last 12monthsthezoohascelebratedthebirthof a tamanduaanteater.
- There are twospeciesof tamandua, thenorthernand thesouthern.
- The tamandua is about thesizeof aminiatureschnauzer, and about asactiveandmellowas alazyhousecat.
Wild mammals
- aardvark
- anteater
- armadillo
- Bactrian
- bandicoot
- grizzly bear
- hedgehog
- hippopotamus
- javelina
- joey
- peccary
- pine marten
- platypus
- polar bear
- polecat
- tapir
- Tasmanian devil
- Tasmanian wolf
- thylacine
- tusker