tea dress
uk/ˈtiː ˌdres/us/ˈtiː ˌdres/adresswithshortsleevesandfullskirtthat usually comes to thekneesor just below,typicallymade ofcolourfulmaterial, often with apatternofflowerson it:
茶歇裙(一种短袖长裙,通常长及膝盖或以下,色彩鲜艳,常有花朵图案)Prettyteadresseswithcolourfulprintsare one of this summer'strends.有着鲜艳印花的漂亮茶歇裙,是今夏的流行款式之一。

- She went back to the 40s with floral-printedchiffonteadressesandcashmerecoats.
- I am having sometroubledecidingbetween a 1940sfloralteadressand apatternedskirtandtop.
- In aknee-lengthfloweredsilkteadressandmatchingshoes, shesatquietly.
- Ilovetheromanticfemininityof theteadress.
Dresses, suits & gowns
- abaya
- ballgown
- bandage dress
- bandeau dress
- black tie
- frock
- gown
- jilbab
- jumpsuit
- kaftan
- pinafore
- pinstripe
- playsuit
- robe
- rompers
- surplice
- three-piece suit
- toga
- trouser suit
- tunic