sportsspecialized(alsoTelemark)uk/ˈtel.ɪ.mɑːk/us/ˈtel.ə.mɑːrk/astyleofskiingwearingbootsthat are onlyfastenedtoyourskisat thefront, so you canliftyourheels:
Manyexperiencedskiersturnto telemark as a way toexplorebackcountryareas.
theScandinavian"Nordic"style, nowknownas Telemark
Alpine skiing
cross-country skiing
downhill skiing
Nordic skiing
- Telemark is moredifficultthanalpineskiing, andrequiresa lot ofstrengthin thelegs.
- Weoffercoursesin both telemark andalpineskiing.
Winter sports
- airboard
- airboarder
- airboarding
- Alpine skiing
- après-ski
- biathlon
- grooming machine
- ice rink
- ice skater
- ice skating
- luge
- mush
- skating rink
- skier
- skiing
- slalom
- sledge
- sleigh
- snow groomer
- snowblade
adjective[before noun]
uk/ˈtel.ɪ.mɑːk/us/ˈtel.ə.mɑːrk/relatingto astyleofskiingwearingbootsthat are onlyfastenedtoyourskisat thefront, so you canliftyourheels:
in thesportofskijumping,relatingto a way oflandingon thegroundin which onefootis infrontof the other and thekneesarebent:
He made aperfecttelemarklanding.
See also
telemark turn
- Wearingskiboots,snowshoesor telemarkskis, they wentlookingfor theperfectspotsuntouchedby theothersbefore them.
- Telemarkskierscan beproneto tendonitis because it is hard on theknees.
- Telemarkskiinginvolvesbothdownhillandcross-countrytravel.
- Points aredeductedif thecompetitorfailstolandin the telemarkposition.
Winter sports
- airboard
- airboarder
- airboarding
- Alpine skiing
- après-ski
- biathlon
- grooming machine
- ice rink
- ice skater
- ice skating
- luge
- mush
- skating rink
- skier
- skiing
- slalom
- sledge
- sleigh
- snow groomer
- snowblade