the Baltic Sea
uk/ˌbɔːl.tɪk ˈsiː/us/ˌbɔːl.tɪk ˈsiː/(alsothe Baltic)aseainEuropebetween Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Germany, Poland, and Russia:
For abeachholiday, Irecommendtheislandof Gotland, whichliesin themiddleof the Baltic Sea.
ThisvictoryestablishedRussia as amajorEuropeanpower, andgainedamaritimeexiton the Baltic, where Peterfoundedhis newcapital, Saint Petersburg.
- Theforestsof the Baltic Seaareacontain90% of the world'samber, which is thebestamberin theworld.
- Ashorthopfrom Finland,locatedon the Baltic’sbreezyshoreline, Tallinnoffersasliceof Scandinavia at afractionof thecost.
- Churchillfamouslypronouncedthat "From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, anironcurtainhasdescendedacrossthe Continent."
Seas & oceans
- abyssal
- Aegean
- Bermuda Triangle
- billow
- briny
- Caribbean
- continental shelf
- depth
- interoceanic
- marine
- Mediterranean
- mid-ocean ridge
- overfall
- overwater
- the Adriatic Sea
- the Arabian Sea
- the doldrums
- the Irish Sea
- the seabed
- underwater