tented village
uk/ˌten.tɪd ˈvɪl.ɪdʒ/us/ˌten.tɪd ˈvɪl.ɪdʒ/acoveredareaat anoutsideevent, forexampleasportingevent, where there areshops,restaurants, etc.:
(大型室外活动举行期间临时搭建的)帐篷村The tentedvillageat the Open Championshiphousedarangeofretailandcateringoutlets.公开赛的帐篷村里设有一系列的零售店和餐饮店。
acampsitewhere you canstayintentsthat arepermanentlyinplace:
(野营)帐篷村Enjoy astayinourtentedvillage, whereourtentshavesolidflooring,beds, andmattresses.希望你在我们的帐篷村里居住愉快,我们的帐篷有坚实的地板、床和床垫。
Shops & auctions
- army disposals store
- army surplus store
- army-navy store
- art gallery
- auction
- craft fair
- craft shop
- creamery
- deli
- delicatessen
- liquor store
- mall
- mart
- meat market
- medical hall
- store
- strip mall
- super-sale
- supermarket
- superstore
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