bike lane
USuk/ˈbaɪk ˌleɪn/us/ˈbaɪk ˌleɪn/(alsobicycle lane);(UKcycle lane)apartof aroadthat isseparatedby alinefrom therestof theroad, for the use ofpeopleridingbicycles:
If there's nobikelane,ridea third of the way into theroad.
Carstryingtoescapegridlocksneakinto thebikelanes.

Christian Thuesen/EyeEm/GettyImages
- In Atlanta,bikelanesarenotoriouslyscarce.
- Motorists arefinedfordrivingorparkingin thebikelane.
- Thecityhasspentnearly$700,000creatingbikelaneson sevenmilesofitsbusieststreets.
- "You're notevensupposedto be in thislane!" shecried. "This is abikelane!"
Roads & routes in general
- adopt
- adopted
- approach
- ascent
- bicycle lane/path
- bike path
- exit
- impassable
- lane
- milk round
- multi-lane
- one-way
- outside lane
- roadworks
- route
- RR
- shortcut
- skid marks
- toll road
- tollway
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Road surfaces & features