term noun (TIME )
[C ] thefixedperiodoftimethat somethinglastsfor:
期,期限 Heserved ashorttermfor drunkdriving. 他因酒后开车而短期入狱。
He wassentencedto a 150-yearprisonterm forcheatingthousands ofordinarypeopleout oftheirsavings. 他因诈骗几千人的积蓄而被判入狱150年。
The government's termofoffice (= theperiodin which they havepower) expiresat the end of theyear. 这届政府的任期年底届满。
A2 [C ] one of theperiodsinto which ayearisdividedatschool,college, oruniversity:
学期 InBritain, thespringtermstartsinJanuaryandendsjust beforeEaster. 在英国,春季学期从一月份开始,到复活节前夕结束。
US Ourcollegehas three terms that wecalltrimesters. 我们的大学有三个学期,我们称之为三学期制。
UK We're verybusyin term-time (= during the term) . 学期里我们很忙。
[C ] formal theperiodoftimethat alegalagreementlastsfor:
合同期,合约期 Theleaseonourhouseis near the end ofitsterm. 我们房子的租赁期快满了。
[U ] biology specialized the end of apregnancywhen ababyisexpectedto beborn:
预产期 Her lastpregnancywentto term(= thebabywasbornafter theexpectednumberofweeks) . 她上次怀孕是足月生的。
a full-termpregnancy 足月妊娠
in the long/medium/short term
B2 for along,medium, orshortperiodoftimein thefuture:
长期/中期/短期来看 Thisdecisionwillcostus more in theshortterm, but will bebeneficialin thelongterm. 这一决定短期来说我们的代价会较大,但从长期看是有益处的。
Thegovernmentiselectedfor a five-year term ofoffice. Theschooltermendson the ninth ofJuly. Next term we shallstudyplantsand how theygrow. At thebeginningof term,studentsaresuppliedwith alistofbooksthat they areexpectedtoread. Heserveda 13-yearjailterm. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPeriods of time - general words
age at/in one sitting idiom chapter day digital age duration leeway length life cycle lifetime making me time period session sleep spasm tide time lag time span timescale See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Schools in general
University & college education
Obstetrics: pregnancy
In the future & soon
term noun (EXPRESSION )
B2 [C ] a word orexpressionused inrelationto aparticularsubject, often todescribesomethingofficialortechnical:
术语,专门名称;措词 "Withoutletorhindrance" is alegalterm thatmeans"freely". “毫无阻碍地”是法律用语,意思为“自由地”。
[C ] mathematics specialized anumberorsymbolused in amathematicalseriesorcalculation:
We then use the sameruletocomputethe termsof theequation.
The termsof ageometricseriesformageometricprogression,meaningthat theratioofsuccessiveterms in theseriesisconstant.
term of abuse
term of endearment
in terms of/in... terms
B2 used todescribewhichparticularareaof asubjectyou arediscussing:
在…方面;从…方面来说;根据…来看 Infinancialterms, theprojectwas not asuccess. 从经济方面来说,这个项目并不成功。
In terms ofmoney, I wasbetteroff in my lastjob. 就挣钱而言,我上一份工作挣得更多。
in no uncertain terms
C2 in a veryclearway:
毫不含糊地,直截了当地 She told him what shethoughtof hisbehaviourin nouncertainterms(= she made herdisapprovalveryclear) . 她直截了当地告诉了他自己对他的行为有何看法。
in strong, etc. terms
用强烈(等等)的措词 Hecomplainedin thestrongestterms. 他以极其强烈的措词表达了自己的不满。
Shespokeof hisachievementsinglowing terms(= in a veryapprovingway) . 谈到他的成就,她赞不绝口。
"Speedbump" nowseemsto be thegenerallyacceptedterm for thoseridgesin theroadthatslowtrafficdown. Somepeoplethinkthat "fireman" is asexistterm, andpreferthe term "firefighter". The terms "drinkingproblem" and "alcoholabuse" are ofteninterchangeable. There is ausefulglossaryoftechnicalterms at the back of thebook. "Idiot!" is amildterm ofabuse. If youknowwhat each of the terms in theequationmeans, you can gofurtherandexpandyourmodel. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLinguistics: terminology & vocabulary
alphabetic Anglicism antonym antonymous applicative archaism buzzword cognate hypernym hyponym inappropriacy inflectional initialism lexis superordinate synonymously syntagmatic term of art terminological vocab See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Calculations & calculating
Numerical relationships
Insults & abuse
Affectionate terms of address
Showing affection
Topics & areas of interest
Blunt and direct in speech & behaviour
term noun (RULES )
terms B2 [plural ]
theconditionsthatcontrolanagreement,arrangement, oractivity:
条件;条款 termsof employment 雇佣条款
Under the termsof theircontract,employeesmust give threemonths'noticeif theyleave.根据合同条款,雇员离职必须提前3个月通知公司。
Thiscompetitionis onlyopento UKresidents. Termsandconditions apply.
They could takelegalactionagainst you if youbreakthe terms of thecontract. Bothsidesin theconflicthaveagreedto the terms of thepeacetreaty. They havebrokenthe terms of theagreementonhumanrights. The UN willdictatethe terms oftroopwithdrawalfrom theregion. We'llholdhim to theexactterms of thecontract.
on easy terms
UK If youbuysomething oneasyterms, youpayfor it over aperiodoftime.
on equal terms (also on the same terms )
having the samerights,treatment, etc.:
平等地;同等地 Allcompanieswillcompetefor thegovernmentcontractonequalterms. 所有公司将平等竞争政府的合同。
terms of reference formal
themattersto which astudyorreportislimited
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRange and limits
all the way to idiom ambit anywhere band bound compass gamut glass ceiling limit limited meta proviso realm restricted scope specialized spectrum spread stretch string See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Rules & laws
Borrowing & lending
Justice and fairness
Topics & areas of interest
Idioms come to terms withsomething
be on good, friendly, etc. terms (withsomeone )
to give something anameor todescribeit with aparticularexpression:
把…称为,把…叫作 Technically, ahorsethat issmallerthan 1.5metresat theshoulderis termed apony. 严格地说,肩高低于1.5米的马称为矮种马。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDefining & explaining
account (tosomeone ) forsomething accountability adduce adumbration annotation annotator demystify demythologize explicable explicate expound lay misdescribe miswrite nail nailsomeone down non-defining non-descriptive outline trace See more results »
长期/中期/短期的 Theprojectwill havelong-termbenefits. 这个项目将带来长期的好处。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesIn the future & soon
ahead ahead of all in good time idiom anon ASAP away come hereon in in forsomething idiom in the course of time phrase in the fullness of time idiom presently shortly someday sometime soon space then yet See more results »
(Definition ofterm from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
term noun (TIME )
[C ] thefixedperiodoftimethat somethinglastsfor
期,期限 Heserved ashorttermfor drunkdriving. 他因酒后开车而短期入狱。
He wassentencedto a 150-yearprisonterm forcheatingthousands ofordinarypeopleout oftheirsavings. 他因诈骗几千人的积蓄而被判入狱150年。
The government's termofoffice (= theperiodin which they havepower) expiresat the end of theyear. 这届政府的任期年底届满。
A2 [C ] one of theperiodsinto which ayearisdividedatschool,college, oruniversity
学期 InBritain, thespringtermstartsinJanuaryandendsjust beforeEaster. 在英国,春季学期从一月份开始,到复活节前夕结束。
US Ourcollegehas three terms that wecalltrimesters. 我们的大学有三个学期,我们称之为三学期制。
UK We're verybusyin term-time (= during the term) . 学期里我们很忙。
[C ] formal theperiodoftimethat alegalagreementlastsfor
合同期,合约期 Theleaseonourhouseis near the end ofitsterm. 我们房子的租赁期快满了。
[U ] biology specialized the end of apregnancywhen ababyisexpectedto beborn
预产期 Her lastpregnancywentto term(= thebabywasbornafter theexpectednumberofweeks) . 她上次怀孕是足月生的。
a full-termpregnancy 足月妊娠
in the long/medium/short term
B2 for along,medium, orshortperiodoftimein thefuture
长期/中期/短期来看 Thisdecisionwillcostus more in theshortterm, but will bebeneficialin thelongterm. 这一决定短期来说我们的代价会较大,但从长期看是有益处的。
Thegovernmentiselectedfor a five-year term ofoffice. Theschooltermendson the ninth ofJuly. Next term we shallstudyplantsand how theygrow. At thebeginningof term,studentsaresuppliedwith alistofbooksthat they areexpectedtoread. Heserveda 13-yearjailterm.
term noun (DESCRIPTION )
B2 [C ] a word orexpressionused inrelationto aparticularsubject, often todescribesomethingofficialortechnical
术语,专门名称;措词 "Withoutletorhindrance" is alegalterm thatmeans"freely". “毫无阻碍地”是法律用语,意思为“自由地”。
term of abuse
term of endearment
in terms of/in... terms
B2 used todescribewhichparticularareaof asubjectyou arediscussing
在…方面;从…方面来说;根据…来看 Infinancialterms, theprojectwas not asuccess. 从经济方面来说,这个项目并不成功。
In terms ofmoney, I wasbetteroff in my lastjob. 就挣钱而言,我上一份工作挣得更多。
in no uncertain terms
毫不含糊地,直截了当地 She told him what shethoughtof hisbehaviourin nouncertainterms(= she made herdisapprovalveryclear) . 她直截了当地告诉了他自己对他的行为有何看法。
in strong, etc. terms
用强烈(等等)的措词 Hecomplainedin thestrongestterms. 他以极其强烈的措词表达了自己的不满。
Shespokeof hisachievementsinglowing terms(= in a veryapprovingway) . 谈到他的成就,她赞不绝口。
"Speedbump" nowseemsto be thegenerallyacceptedterm for thoseridgesin theroadthatslowtrafficdown. Somepeoplethinkthat "fireman" is asexistterm, andpreferthepoliticallycorrectterm "firefighter". The terms "drinkingproblem" and "alcoholabuse" are ofteninterchangeable. There is ausefulglossaryoftechnicalterms at the back of thebook. "Idiot!" is amildterm ofabuse.
term noun (RULES )
terms B2 [plural ]
theconditionsthatcontrolanagreement,arrangement, oractivity
条件;条款 termsof employment 雇佣条款
Under the termsof theircontract,employeesmust give threemonths'noticeif theyleave.根据合同条款,雇员离职必须提前3个月通知公司。
They could takelegalactionagainst you if youbreakthe terms of thecontract. Bothsidesin theconflicthaveagreedto the terms of thepeacetreaty. They havebrokenthe terms of theagreementonhumanrights. The UN willdictatethe terms oftroopwithdrawalfrom theregion. We'llholdhim to theexactterms of thecontract.
on easy terms
UK If youbuysomething oneasyterms, youpayfor it over aperiodoftime.
on equal terms (also on the same terms )
having the samerights,treatment, etc.
平等地;同等地 Allcompanieswillcompetefor thegovernmentcontractonequalterms. 所有公司将平等竞争政府的合同。
terms of reference formal
themattersto which astudyorreportislimited
Idioms come to terms withsth
be on good, friendly, etc. terms (withsb )
to give something anameor todescribeit with aparticularexpression
把…称为,把…叫作 Technically, ahorsethat issmallerthan 1.5metresat theshoulderis termed apony. 严格地说,肩高低于1.5米的马称为矮种马。
长期/中期/短期的 Theprojectwill havelong-termbenefits. 这个项目将带来长期的好处。
term | American Dictionary
term noun [C] (TIME )
aperiodoftimeduring which somethinglasts:
Watson’s term aschairmanexpiredlastmonth.
Heservedaprisonterm forrobbery.
Thisbudgetplanis good for thelongterm but ithurtsin theshortterm.
A term can be one of theperiodsinto which ayearisdividedat aschoolorcollege:
I’m takingcomputerprogrammingduring thefallterm.
term noun [C] (EXPRESSION )
a word or phrase used inrelationto aparticularsubject:
Erikson is said to havecoinedthe term "identitycrisis."
mathematics A term is also anynumber,variable(=symbol) , orproduct(=resultof mutiplying) .
term verb [T]
to give something anameor todescribeit with aparticularexpression:
None of theproblemswas termedserious.
(Definition ofterm from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
[C ] theperiodoftimethat somethinglastsfor:
Friendlysocietybondsrunfor aminimumterm of 10years.
Theyproposedtoincreasethe term ofcopyright.
Thecurrentinterestrateof 7.75% isfixedfor theterm of theloan .
Conventionalgiltspromisetopayafixedincomeover afixedterm .
Thepolicydidn'treachitsfullterm .
[C ] theperiodoftimeduring which someone is in ajoborposition, or that agovernmentis inpower:
Theappointmentsare for afixedterm of 12months.
We're in the eighthmonthofourterm ofoffice .
[C ] FINANCE theperiodoftimebefore somethingbecomesdueforpayment:
They areseekingbondswith a term of 10years.
[C orU ] the end of aperiodoftime, forexamplewhen anagreementends:
Theendowedfundwillreachterm nextyear.
[C ] a word orexpressionused inrelationto aparticularsubject, often for somethingofficialortechnical:
legal/medical/technical term Labornegotiationshadreachedan "impasse," alegalterm inlaborlaw.
Hisfavouriteword was "loyal", ageneralterm ofapproval .
We use the term "burn-out" tomeanthat theygrowboredandlosethedrivetoimproveandinnovate.
[C ] one of theconditionsof anagreement,arrangement, oractivity:
There may be a term in thecontractthatexcludesthis.
We haveagreedcompensationterms.
Employersknowthat if they do notofferattractiveterms andconditions , they cannotexpecttorecruitthebest.
under the terms of an agreement/a contract/a deal Under the terms of themergeragreement, thecompanybecomesawhollyownedsubsidiaryof thelargerfirm.
[plural ] theconditionsforpaymentthat youagreeto when youbuyorsellsomething:
Theirpaymentterms are sixtydays.
on attractive/favourable/good terms TheSouthAfricansrescheduledMozambique'sdebtonfavourableterms.
be on good/bad/excellent terms (with sb)
to have a good, etc.relationshipwith sb:
He's onexcellentterms with all of thesalesstaff.
in real terms
used todescribetherealleveloramountof something, when youconsiderall the things thataffectit,especiallyinflation:
In the past 10years,grossincomehasincreasedby 22% inrealterms.
Totalexpenditurewillriseinrealterms by 3.3% ayear.
in ... terms
saying something in aparticularway:
She made herdisagreementclear,in thestrongestpossibleterms .
Theyspokeinglowingterms of hisachievements.
in terms of sth (also in ... terms )
used todescribewhichparticularareaof asubjectyou arediscussing:
In terms ofemissionscleanliness,sugarethanolisconsideredsuperior.
Employeesevaluatetheirsalarynot inabsoluteterms butrelativetotheirco-workers.
in the long/medium/short term
for along,mediumorshortperiodoftimein thefuture:
In thelongterm,universitieswillcutjobs.
Thebusinessseeksto do very well in theshortterm and in thelongterm.
on equal terms (with sb/sth)
having the samerightsor getting the sametreatmentas someoneelse:
Theyfeltthat they were not beingallowedtocompeteonequalterms withlocalcompanies.
See also credit terms
delivery terms
easy terms
express term
fixed term
fleet terms
implied term
payment terms
price terms
settlement terms
terms of employment
terms of engagement
terms of reference
terms of trade
trade terms
to use aparticularword orexpressiontodescribesomething:
term sth sth TheCEOspentthe pastyearon what he termed "gardeningleave".
term sb sth Somepeoplemight term hermean.
term sth as sth Hesoughttoplaydown what he termed as "merespeculation".
(Definition ofterm from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof term term
Hence, it is difficult to explain why players would conceive of the simultaneous move game in sequential terms. From theCambridge English Corpus
Order is maintained by two means: direct management of the relations of the players and indirect structuring of the terms of play. From theCambridge English Corpus
At the outer edges of the plume, however, the production and destruction terms rapidly approach zero and advection and transport balance each other. From theCambridge English Corpus
Qualitative researchers have also recognized the problem of hierarchical, nested levels of context, even if they have not expressed the problem in those terms. From theCambridge English Corpus
Regrettably, theterm "model" is used in far too many ways in both scientific and philosophical parlance. From theCambridge English Corpus
This is because their phonetic ability is low and their functional knowledge (in terms of the recoverability principle) is not yet developed. From theCambridge English Corpus
In the following, purely for convenience, we shall use theterm 'illite' for this material. From theCambridge English Corpus
These steps are here termed transportational cyclic steps, in order to distinguish them from the purely erosional cyclic steps considered below. From theCambridge English Corpus
These could be explained in purely psychological terms. From theCambridge English Corpus
Note that the above rule may be applied provided the scope of substituted names is localised to theterm to be reduced. From theCambridge English Corpus
Theterm refers to a disruption of interconnecting fibres that link spatially distributed regions in the brain. From theCambridge English Corpus
The first author of this paper has based literally dozens of other implementations on it, unifying datatypes representing many different kinds of terms. From theCambridge English Corpus
The inclusion of the terms representing associations allows for the infection with multiple species to be non-independent. From theCambridge English Corpus
The firstterm represents a bare site and the next two terms refer to the interaction with water and with denaturant respectively. From theCambridge English Corpus
All other symmetric and perturbative states will continue to be represented by (2.6) and (2.7) with no sourceterm . From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith term term These are words often used in combination withterm .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
accepted term
We have no great wealth, nor any tradition in the commonly accepted term.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
ambiguous term
Thus, a lessambiguous term , forgetting, will be used in the present paper.
From theCambridge English Corpus
apocalyptic terms
He thus constructed a position that allowed him to condemn extremes in apocalyptic terms, but it was a stance that has confused later commentators.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.