asmall,pointedparton thebottomof someshoesused forparticularsportsoractivitiestostopyou fromsliding:
鞋钉He wouldwearabootwith cleats togriptheskateboard.

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aparton thebottomof ashoethatattachesto thepedalof abicycleandkeepsthe rider'sfootinplace:
夹板(鞋底的一个部件,把脚连接到自行车的踏板上,保持原位)The cleats can getpackedwithmudorsnowmaking itdifficulttoclipin toyourpedals.

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shoeswithpointson thebottomwornforsports:
防滑运动鞋Heoncesleptin his cleats thenightbefore agame.
- As youbecomea moreexperiencedcyclistyou maywantbikeshoeswith cleats.
- These cleatsworkvery well with thesepedals.
- Theplayershave toclickacrosstheroadintheircleats from thelockerroomto thepracticefields.
- All he had when hestartedplayingwas onepairof cleats and abaseballbat.
- ankle boot
- ballet shoe
- Birkenstock
- bootie
- bootlace
- high-top
- hiking boot
- hobnail boot
- insole
- jackboot
- sandal
- shoehorn
- shoelace
- shoemaker
- shoestring
- wedgie
- wellie
- wellington
- welly
- whitening
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Sportswear & swimwear
cleatnoun[C](FOR ROPE)
apieceofmetalorwoodshapedlike aletterT, forattachingarope,especiallyon aboat:
Heclamberedaboardandtiedtheropeto a cleat.
- The end of theropewaswoundround a cleat high up on thewall.
- Hemanagedtoattachthedinghyto a cleat on theyacht.
Parts of ships & boats
- abaft
- bilge water
- boathook
- boiler room
- bowline
- bulkhead
- cockpit
- conning tower
- couchette
- escape hatch
- keel
- mast
- paddle
- spar
- stem
- sun deck
- superstructure
- topsail
- waterline
- wheelhouse
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Fastening and tying