old useorformaluk/ˌðeəˈwɪð/us/ˌðerˈwɪð/with that; with something that has beenpreviouslymentioned:
与此,与之;此外,又I cantrulysay that in the threeyearsduring which you haveadministeredtheGeneralPostOffice, Iremembernosinglecomplaintagainst you inconnectiontherewith.我可以诚恳地说,在你管理邮政总局的这三年里,我不记得有任何针对你的有关投诉。
- Put theorangesin apotofhoneyuntil they bequitecoveredtherewith, andboilon aslowfire.
- The Governors willrequirethat the School Buildings andpremisesconnectedtherewith bekeptup and in a goodstateofrepair.
- As willbecomeevidentbelow, it waspreciselythesizeof themarketthatsignificantlyinfluencedhusbandandwifepartnerships, and therewith thepositionof women inretailing.
- Thecourtalsofoundthat thestatuteprescribedastandardsufficientlydefiniteto beunderstandableto theaveragepersondesiringtocomplytherewith.
Acting, being or existing together
- accompanying
- allied
- along
- alongside
- among
- cooperatively
- double act
- en bloc
- en masse
- epiphenomenon
- non-compatible
- non-conflicting
- one-stop shop
- oneness
- pair off
- two-way
- unison
- unite
- united
- unity