thermal blanket
uk/ˌθɜː.məl ˈblæŋ.kɪt/us/ˌθɝː.məl ˈblæŋ.kɪt/(alsoemergency blanket);(also mainlyUKsafety blanket);(USalsospace blanket)atypeofcovermade of orcoveredwith a verythinsheetofmetal, used forkeepingpeoplewarminemergencysituations:
保温毯Manypassengerssleptin theairportovernightwithemergencythermalblankets.许多乘客在机场用紧急保温毯睡了一晚上。

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- Shelayunconsciouson thegrass,coveredby athermalblanket.
- Ourbraveofficersreally needtheirsnowsuitsandthermalblankets, andeventheiraxeandsawonoccasions.
- Everyathleteat the end of theracewas given one of thosethermalblanketsthatlooklikealuminiumfoil.
Medical & surgical equipment
- bioprinting
- bougie
- cannula
- catheterization
- catheterize
- defibrillator
- drip
- electrocardiogram
- inhaler
- iron lung
- kidney machine
- lancet
- nebulizer
- needle exchange
- puffer
- radiograph
- retinaculum
- sterilizer
- thermometer
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Coverings and layers