tiedto apostorfixedto thegroundwith aropeorchain:
a tetheredgoat
- Have asweepingviewof themagnificentAngkortemplesfrom a tetheredheliumballoon.
- EverymorningIwalkedthrough adustyolivegrovepast a tethereddonkeytofetchthe hardcrustybread.
- So, thisballoonstayedtethered andhelddown by astronggroupofvolunteers.
- Ireachedagreatplainwhere agrazinghorsewas tethered.
Lack of freedom to act
- be in bondage tosomethingidiom
- be locked insomething
- bondage
- bound
- boxed in
- disempowered
- disempowering
- disenfranchisement
- heel
- lock
- non-voluntary
- paralytic
- qualified
- regimented
- servitude
- shackle
- someone'shands are tiedidiom
- thumb
- tie
- undersomeone'sthumbidiom
tetheredadjective(MOBILE PHONE)
internet & telecomsspecialized
using amobilephoneas awirelessinternetconnectionto which you canconnectotherdevices:
(用手机为其他设备提供无线网络)系连的anunlimitedsmartphoneplanwith a 5GB tetheredoption带5GB绑定选项的无限智能手机套餐
- A tethered iPhoneoffloadsits3g "unlimited"bandwidthto the tethereddevice.
- Tethereddatadoesn'tcostthecompanyanymorethan what I usenormally.
- The ipt3 is tethered.
- Theupdateswill be made over theairor through a tethered PCclient.
- I'mhopingthere will be a way to use a tethered iPhone for theinternetconnection.
Computer concepts
- 3-D printing
- adaptive learning
- additive manufacturing
- addy
- aeroplane mode
- backup
- capture
- computing
- configuration
- importation
- information age
- information security
- information superhighway
- infosec
- scan
- transcoding
- Trojan horse
- tuple
- Turing Machine
- Turing test