textured vegetable protein
uk/ˌteks.tʃəd ˈvedʒ.tə.bəl ˌprəʊ.tiːn/us/ˌteks.tʃɚd ˈvedʒ.tə.bəl ˌproʊ.tiːn/(abbreviationTVP)afoodproducedfromsoyabeansthat can be usedinsteadofmeatand often is made tolooklikemeat:
植物组织蛋白Acommonformofsoy(orsoya) istexturedvegetableprotein(TVP), which is made into awidevarietyofvegetarianfoods, some of themintendedtoimitatemeat.大豆的一种常见形式是植物组织蛋白,它被制成各种各样的素食食品,其中一些用来模仿肉类。
- Texturedvegetableprotein(TVP) is made fromsoyflourwith thefatremovedand issoldas ameat.
- Soyafoodsincludetofu, tempeh,texturedvegetableprotein(chunks,minceetc),soyasauces, andsoyadairyalternatives.
- Thevegetarianchickenis made usingtexturedvegetableprotein.
- Texturedvegetableproteinmay be used as avegetariansubstitutefor themeat.
Beans & pulses
- aduki
- adzuki
- aquafaba
- azuki
- bean
- cowpea
- dal
- dhal
- fava bean
- flageolet
- lima bean
- mangetout
- marrowfat pea
- mung bean
- natto
- snow pea
- soy
- soya
- soya bean
- split pea