the Amalfi Coast
uk/əˌmæ ˈkəʊst/us/əˌmɑː ˈkoʊst/apartof thecoastinsouthernItaly, to thesouthof Naples, that isconsideredto be verybeautiful. It is aUNESCOWorldHeritage Site:
Thirteenmunicipalitiesarelocatedon the AmalfiCoast, many of themcentredontourism.
Recuperating fromtuberculosis, Alexis de Tocquevilleretreatedto the AmalfiCoasttothink, write, andrecover.
- They have incommonatendencytoincorporateintotheirdiscoursethenamesofmaritimevillageson the Gulf of Naples, the Sorrentinepeninsula, and the AmalfiCoast.
- The AmalfiCoastis apopulartouristdestinationfor theregionand Italy as awhole,attractingthousands oftouristsannually.
- The AmalfiCoastisknownforitsproductionof limoncelloliqueur.
Coasts & beaches
- barrier reef
- beachcomb
- beachcomber
- beachcombing
- beachfront
- bight
- coastal
- esplanade
- frontage
- groin
- mudflat
- prom
- riviera
- sandbank
- seafront
- shingle
- shore
- strand
- the seaside
- tombolo