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Thesaurus article:a child

a child

A person who is not yet an adult is achild. When used in the singular,childis more formal thanboyorgirl.Boys and girlsis often used instead ofchildren, especially when talking to children.

When I was a child the summers seemed to go on for ever.
There's a new boy in my class.
The girl's name is Sally.
Settle down now, boys and girls.

Kidis an informal word forchild. A younger child can be called akiddieorkiddy, but this is less common.

I'm off to pick up the kids from school.
I saw her with a little kiddie in a pushchair.
The kiddy didn't seem to be with a grown-up.

Young children can also be referred to aslittle onesortots. Both of these words are informal.

The little ones must be hungry by now.
A couple of tots were playing on the beach.

Aninfantis a very young child or a baby.Infantis used especially in writing or more formal spoken language.

Infants under 2 years of age must travel on an adult's lap.
Many parents believe that infants need to be kept warm at all times, but this is rarely the case.

Atoddleris a very young child who has just learned to walk but is too young for school.

She's got a toddler and an infant.

An older child can be called ayoungster.

It's sometimes difficult to get these youngsters interested in things that don't involve screens.

A more formal word for an older child isjuvenile. This is often used in legal of official contexts.Juvenilecan also refer to a young animal.

There needs to be a centralized system for collecting statistics on missing juveniles.
That the eagle was still a juvenile was evident from the lighter markings on its wings.

Aminoris a person who is not yet legally an adult. This term is used mostly in legal contexts.

Minors may, in certain cases, consent to surgery.

There are many informal or humorous words for a child.

The wordsimpandmonkeyare affectionate ways of referring to a naughty child. In UK English, you can also usescallywag, the old-fashioned informal wordtinker, or the informal wordtyke, also spelledtike.

The little imp thought he could get the better of me.
You cheeky monkey!
UKHow's that scallywag of a son of yours?
UKWhat are the little tinkers up to now?
UKHe's a cheeky little tyke.
UKShe has two adorable little tikes.

Bratis a more disapproving word.

That boy is a spoiled brat.

Perisheris an old-fashioned word in UK English for an annoying child.Varmintis also used to refer to an annoying child, and is used in informal UK English and informal US English.

That's enough to give the little perishers nightmares for the rest of their lives.
Keep those varmints out of my way!

Urchinis used to refer to a child who is dirty or untidily dressed. This is an old-fashioned word that is sometimes used in a humorous way.

These street urchins seem much older than their years.

Informal words that refer to a child's small size areankle-biter,nipper,squirt, and, in UK English,tiddler.

The park was full of ankle-biters.
He has a little nipper that follows him around everywhere.
He's just a little squirt.
UKHer two tiddlers have just started school.

A sweet child or one deserving sympathy can be informally referred to as acherub, amoppet, in US English amunchkin, or in UK English amiteor apoppet.

She looks like a little cherub.
She's a sweet little moppet.
She's a darling little munchkin.
UKWhat an adorable little mite!
UKTime for bed, poppet!

Sprogis a UK slang word for a baby or child.

She's got another sprog on the way.

For more words for a child as a part of a family, see the article atfamily.

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