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单词 thesaurus/articles/a-dishonest-person

Thesaurus article:a dishonest person

a dishonest person

These words all refer to people who deceive other people.

One of the common words for this ischeat.Cheatis much more common in UK English than in US English.

She's a liar and a cheat!
With the drug test results in, two more cheats are out of the Olympics.

In US English, you can use the wordcheaterinstead of cheat.Cheateris more informal thancheatin US English, and is a word that children use.

USI wouldn't play a game with him - he's a cheater.

If a person cheats others, you can informally call them acrook.Crookimplies that the person is doing something that might be illegal, or that they break the rules.

My dad says that used car salesmen are just a bunch of crooks.

In informal UK English, if someone is not honest, especially in business, and does not follow the rules that other people follow, you can call them acowboy.

UKThe private security firm are just a bunch of cowboys looking to rough up anyone who crosses their path.

If someone pretends to be something that they are not because they want to trick or deceive people, you can call them afraud.

He claims to be a doctor, but he's just a fraud without a medical licence.

There are a number of words for people who cheat others out of money. Asharkis a person who tricks someone into paying more money for something than they ought.Sharkis informal, and it is a disapproving word.

The landlord was a real shark, jacking up rents without relief.

In informal contexts, ascammeris a person who tricks people into giving them money using illegal or dishonest methods.

Hackers and scammers can steal credit card numbers from unsecured websites and sell them to the highest bidder.

Aschemeris someone who uses clever and secret plans in order to deceive someone, and especially to trick someone into giving them money.Schemeris a disapproving word.

The new law punishes schemers who file false automobile claims to collect insurance payments.

In informal US English, you can also call someone who tricks someone into giving them money ahustler.

USHe's not actually homeless - he's just a hustler looking for quick cash.

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deceiving others and not telling the truth
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