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单词 thesaurus/articles/a-new-person

Thesaurus article:a new person

a new person

These words refer to someone who is doing or experiencing something for the first time.

Anewcomeris someone who has recently arrived in a place or has started a new activity such as a job.Newcomeris informal.

I was treated like a newcomer, even though I’d lived on the square for years.

Newbieandnoobare informal words to describe someone who is new to an activity.Newbieandnoobare both more informal thannewcomer, andnoobis the most informal of the three words.

Newbies tend to get given all the boring jobs around here.
Older players helped the noobs navigate the video game.

Someone who has just started learning about a subject, or who has just started doing an activity for the first time, is called abeginner.Novicehas a similar meaning, and is used when you want to emphasize that the person still has a lot to learn.

She only took up knitting a month ago, but she's quite good for a beginner.
When it comes to driving, I’m still a novice.

Arookieis someone who is new to a job. It is used mainly in informal US English and especially in sports.

USThe team signed a rookie from the University of Alabama to its starting line.
USRookie cops need all the help they can get from veterans on the force.

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