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单词 thesaurus/articles/angry

Thesaurus article:angry


These words all refer to having strong feelings that make you want to shout at or hurt someone or something.

The most common word for this isangry.

It does no good to get angry at him - it won't change the situation at all.
Are you angry with me?
The news makes me so angry!

One opposite ofangryiscalm.

Keep calm and carry on.
You're very calm under pressure.

For more opposites ofangry, see the article atcalm.

Madis a more informal word thanangry. In informal US English, you can also use the wordsore.

Are you mad at me?
USHe's still sore about the way things turned out.

If you are slightly angry about something that has happened, you can say you areannoyedorirritated.

He was annoyed with her for being late.
I was irritated that he didn't thank me.

You can use the wordfrustratedwhen you are annoyed about something that you keep not being able to do or that keeps happening.

He was getting increasingly frustrated by the lack of progress.

If you are extremely angry, you can say you arefurious,irate,incensed, orlivid.

My boss was furious with me.
Hundreds of irate passengers have complained to the airline.
Incensed fans stormed into the team's training ground.
She was absolutely livid that he didn't tell her sooner.

Apoplectic,incandescent, andbeside yourselfalso mean extremely angry, especially in a way that is very obvious.

She had never seen him so apoplectic.
By the time I got back to my car, I was incandescent with rage.
Beside herself with rage, she threw the plate on the floor.

If someone is very angry, especially if they are not expressing it, you can say that they arefumingorseething.

Marcus was still fuming over the way he had been manoeuvred off the trip.
She drove home from work seething.

In UK English, if you are angry with a child, you would say that you arecross.

UKI'm cross with you for not telling me where you were going.

If people are angry about something because they think it is unfair, then you could informally say they areup in armsover it.

People are up in arms over plans to close the local swimming pool.

An angry argument can be described asheatedor, in formal contexts,acrimonious.

Things got rather heated between me and my neighbour.
He was involved in an acrimonious dispute with his neighbour.

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to get angry
to make someone angry
getting angry easily
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