uk/bɪl/us/bɪl/billnoun(REQUEST FOR PAYMENT)
arequestforpaymentofmoneyowed, or thepieceofpaperon which it is written:
Theysentus a billfortheworkthey had done.他们寄给我们要求为其所提供工作支付酬金的账单。
Sheranup(=causedherself to have)ahugephonebill.她的电话费大增。
Theyaskedthewaitressfor the bill.他们叫女服务员把账单拿来。
Could we have the bill,please?请给我们结账好吗?
Hermotheragreedtofoot(=pay)the bill.她母亲同意付账单。
- The bill must bepaidinfullby the end of themonth.
- There is a tenpercentservicechargeincludedin the bill.
- Theywanttotalkto you inconnectionwith anunpaidtaxbill.
- If this bill is notpaidwithin fivedays,yourgassupplywill becutoff.
- Icheckedthe bill andrealizedtherestauranthadchargedme £5 too much.
- accountancy
- accountant
- accounting
- accounts
- annualized
- auditor
- bad debt
- balance
- balance sheet
- budget
- capital
- creative accounting
- double entry bookkeeping
- false accounting
- forensic accountant
- forensic accounting
- loss
- treasurer
- unaudited
- writesomethingdown
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Bills & invoices
aformalstatementof aplannednewlawthat isdiscussedbefore beingvotedon:
议案,法案The bill wasamended(=changed).议案被修订了。
When a bill ispassedin Parliament itbecomeslaw.一旦某项法案在议会通过,便成为法律。
informalThe bill wasthrownout(= did not go past the firststageofdiscussionand will notbecomelaw).这项议案被否决了。
- The bill wasdefeatedin theCommonsby 249votesto 131.
- Anamendmentto the bill wasagreedwithout avote.
- Theoppositionwas infullcryin Parliament lastnightover theproposedchangesto theeducationbill.
- Politicianstriedtodressup the bill as aboldnewstrategyforcombattingpoverty.
- He isunlikelytosucceedin getting his bill throughCongress,howeverworthyit is.
UK politics: legislation & law-making
- abolish
- abrogate
- abrogation
- amend
- amendment
- assemblyman
- constitutional
- enforce
- gold plate
- Green Paper
- guillotine
- hard Brexitidiom
- jurisprudence
- presiding officer
- Prime Minister's Questions
- private member's bill
- prohibit
- prohibition
- sanction
- writ
钞票,纸币adollar/one-dollar bill1美元的钞票
a ten-dollar bill面值10美元的钞票
See also
Payment methods
- anti-kickback
- ATM card
- automatic withdrawal
- bad cheque
- baksheesh
- cashback
- chip
- commission
- legal tender
- liquefy
- liquid
- monometallic
- non-cash
- non-monetary
- non-money
- non-paying
- payoff
- wave and pay
- whip-round
apapersigngivinginformationabout something,especiallyaneventorperformance
招贴,海报,广告be on the bill
to beperformingin a show:
参加表演There werelotsofbignames(=famouspeople)on the bill.有许多明星参加演出。
head/top the bill
to be the mostimportantactorin a show:
领衔,主演This will be the actor's 22ndyearheadingthe bill at the TheatreRoyal, York.
Advertising and marketing
- ad
- ad agency
- adman
- advert
- advertise
- cross-selling
- customer relationship management
- detoxify
- dogfooding
- flyer
- non-brand
- o.n.o.
- obo
- off-brand
- on-brand
- stunt
- superhype
- teaser
- telemarketing
- tie(something)in
thebeakof abird
PhotoPlus Magazine / Contributor/Future Publishing/GettyImages
The head & neck of non-human animals
- antler
- beak
- cockscomb
- comb
- crest
- crested
- crop
- dewlap
- horn
- horned
- maw
- nose
- pouch
- proboscis
- scruff
- sucker
- trunk
- tufted
- tusk
- wattle
thepartof acapthatsticksout above theeyesof thepersonwho iswearingit:
Heworeabaseballcapwith the billpulleddown over hiseyes.
Hats & scarves
- ascot
- balaclava
- bandana
- baseball cap
- beanie
- cycle helmet
- deerstalker
- dicky bow
- do-rag
- dunce's cap
- kippa
- mask
- millinery
- mitre
- mortarboard
- topee
- topper
- toque
- trencher
- trilby
fill/fit the bill
uk/bɪl/us/bɪl/billverb(REQUEST PAYMENT)
to give orsendsomeone a billaskingformoneythat theyowefor aproductorservice:
给…开账单;给…寄账单Please bill me for anyexpensesyouincur.请把你的所有花费都记在我的账上。
- accountancy
- accountant
- accounting
- accounts
- annualized
- auditor
- bad debt
- balance
- balance sheet
- budget
- capital
- creative accounting
- double entry bookkeeping
- false accounting
- forensic accountant
- forensic accounting
- loss
- treasurer
- unaudited
- writesomethingdown
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Bills & invoices
[Tusually passive]
toadvertisesomething with aparticulardescription; todescribesomeone in aparticularway inordertoadvertisethem or make themknown:
做广告;通过广告宣传Themoviewas billedasaromanticcomedy.该电影被宣传成浪漫喜剧。
Theyoungauthorwas billed as "the new Beckett."这位年轻作家被吹捧为“新贝克特”。
[Tusually passive]
tolistapersonorperformanceon aprogrammeofevents:
安排…的演出She was billedtoperformeverynightfor aperiodof twoweeks.她被要求在两个星期内每晚出演。
Advertising and marketing
- ad
- ad agency
- adman
- advert
- advertise
- cross-selling
- customer relationship management
- detoxify
- dogfooding
- flyer
- non-brand
- o.n.o.
- obo
- off-brand
- on-brand
- stunt
- superhype
- teaser
- telemarketing
- tie(something)in