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单词 thesaurus/articles/be-to-blame-for-something

Thesaurus article:be to blame for something

be to blame for something

These words and expressions are used to say that someone caused something bad to happen.

You can say that someone or somethingis to blamefor a bad situation.

No one can decide who is to blame.
It seems that human error was to blame for the crash.

You can also say that someoneis at fault, or that somethingis someone's fault. This use is very common, especially in spoken English and more informal writing.

Both the fans and the players were at fault.
This is all my fault.

If you talk about who or whatis responsiblefor something bad that happens, you mean who or what did it or caused it to happen. You can also talk aboutthe person responsibleorthe thing responsible.

We're still trying to determine who was responsible for the attacks.
The person responsible will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Pollution and diet are the chief factors responsible for the increase in allergies.

The blame lies withandthe blame rests withare also used, especially in writing such as newspaper reports and essays, and in more formal speech such as in TV or radio news reports.

Some of the blame lies with investors.
Much of the blame rests with the government, which has confused people with conflicting health messages

Someone isguiltywhen they have committed a crime or done something wrong.

He was found guilty of two assault charges.

The opposite ofguiltyisinnocent.

She was declared to be innocent of all guilt.

For more opposites ofguilty, see the article atinnocent.

Someone isculpableif they deserve to be blamed or considered responsible for something bad.Culpableis a formal word.

Although he acted recklessly, he was not held culpable.

You can use the wordblameworthyto describe a person or action that was wrong and deserves to be blamed. It is a formal word.

He lacked the mental capacity necessary for his conduct to be considered morally blameworthy.

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to blame someone for something
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