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Thesaurus article:certain about something

certain about something

These words describe someone who knows that something is accurate, true, or will happen.

Certainis one of the most common words for this. It is always used after a verb, and it can be used with words likeabsolutelyandcompletelyfor emphasis.

I feel certain that this change will be for the best.
Are you absolutely certain you switched off the iron?
How much will it cost? I'm not certain.

The opposite ofcertainisuncertain.Uncertainis used primarily in writing, and is more formal thancertain. It is used to describe people who are not certain about a fact, or the fact that something is not certain or settled.

The economic outlook is still uncertain.
The press secretary said she was uncertain whether troops would be deployed.

The phrasesknow for certainorsay for certaincan also refer to knowing that something is accurate or true. They are often used in negative statements.

I can't say for certain, but I think he's coming to the party.
What will the future bring? No one can know for certain.
We know for certain that she's planning on leaving her job - she told us.

The other common word for knowing without a doubt that something is accurate or true issure.Sureis a simpler word thancertain, but it has very similar uses.Sureis also used after a verb.

Don't worry - I'm sure it won't be a problem.
Are you sure about that?

The opposite ofsureisunsure.Unsureis more formal thansure.

He's unsure of whether or not he'll be able to join us.
Detectives are unsure about the criminal's motives.

If you say that you arepositivethat something is true, you are saying emphatically that you know it is true.Positiveis used after a verb.

"Are you sure you let the cat in?" "I'm positive."

There are a number of idioms you can use to say that you are certain something is accurate or true. You can say that youare sure ofit, or that something isfor sure.

He's the one who stole my bike - I'm sure of it!
One thing's for sure: I'll never go on a date with her again.
I know for sure that he posted the cheque last week.

If you are very certain of something, you can use the idiombeyond a shadow of a doubtto describe how certain you are. You can also use the phraseyou can bet your life. Both of these phrases are very emphatic.

It has been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the medication is effective.
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's innocent of the crime.
He's such a careful writer, you can bet your life that every single detail is thoroughly researched.

If you are very certain about the accuracy of something you are going to say, you can use the phraseit's safe to say (that)before you make your statement.

I think it's safe to say that he will win a majority of votes.
We've waited for almost an hour - it's safe to say she's not coming.

You can use the phraseno doubtwhen you are very sure that something will happen or that something is true.

You will no doubt want to see the evidence.
No doubt she's running late, as usual.

If you areboundto do something, you are certain that you will do it or it will happen.Boundis most often followed bytoand the infinitive. In UK English, you can also say that you are certain about something by using the phraseI'll be bound. This phrase is old-fashioned, but still appears in speech.

He's bound to have the spare parts around.
UKHe's on holiday, I'll be bound.

If you areconfidentabout something, that means that you put your trust in that thing and so are certain it will happen.Confidentis a very emphatic word, and it is used after a verb.

I am confident that doctors will find a cure.

If you areconvincedofsomething, you are sure it is true based on the things that you see or believe.

Police are convinced they have the right suspect in custody.
He's been lying to me - I'm convinced of it!
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