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单词 thesaurus/articles/continuing-for-less-time-than-usual

Thesaurus article:continuing for less time than usual

continuing for less time than usual

These words describe things, events, or actions that continue for less time than is expected or usual.

One of the most common words for this isshort.

He received a short jail sentence.
She was only gone a short time.
Life is too short for regret.

The opposite ofshortislong.

I've been waiting for a long time.

For more opposites ofshort, see the article atlong.

You can use the adjectivequickto refer to things that take less time to happen or be completed than usual.Quickis slightly more informal thanshort.

I need to make a quick phone call - I'll be right back.
I only have time for a quick cup of tea and then I must leave.
The procedure was quick and painless.

Something that isbrieflasts only a short time.Briefis slightly more formal thanshort.

We had a brief chat this morning.
For a brief moment, it looked as though they might win the match.
Her illness was mercifully brief.

In informal language, if something isshort and sweetit is surprisingly short but in a pleasant way.

The business meeting was short and sweet.

Momentaryandfleetingare used to describe something that lasts for a very short time and usually does not appear again.

It was just a momentary lapse in judgment - I won't do it again.
We had a fleeting glimpse of the sea as we drove down the motorway.

Something that does not last for very long can be calledshort-lived.Short-livedis often used when something ends sooner than expected.

The tabloids reported on the celeb's short-lived marriage.
The penalty had given them a 3 -2 lead, but it was short-lived.

In formal language, things that do not last for a very long time aretransientortransitory.

The book explores the transient nature of fame.
Our existence in this world is transitory.

If something isephemeral, it does not last very long, often because it was not made to last for a long time, or because it is made to change often.Ephemeralis more formal thanshort-livedorshort, but it is less formal thantransientandtransitory.

Their alliance, however ephemeral, was important to stabilise the region.
Success in the music business is ephemeral.
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