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Thesaurus article:different


These words are all used to describe people or things that stand out from other people or things in some way.

The most common word for this isdifferent.

I like her haircut - it's different!
She's very different from her sister.
I've asked for them to bring me a different dish.

If someone or something isdissimilarto someone or something else, they are very different. You can also use the phrasenot dissimilarto point out that two things or people are the same or are alike in most ways.

The twins may look alike, but they are quite dissimilar when it comes to personality.
This office is not dissimilar to our old one, except for the colour of the carpeting.

The opposite ofdissimilarissimilar.

The boys are very similar.
I have a similar problem.

To say that a something is made up of many different types of people or things, you can usediverse.

London is a culturally diverse city.
The voters are a very diverse group, made up of people from all walks of life.

In formal and scientific contexts, the wordheterogeneousis used to refer to a group that has many different things or people in it.

They tested a heterogeneous population.

The opposite ofheterogeneousishomogeneous.Heterogeneousis more formal thanhomogeneous.

The area's population has remained homogeneous, with very little migration in or out.

If something is different from what people normally expect, you can say that it isunusual.

Carina - that's quite an unusual name.

The adjectivealternativeis often used to describe something which is different from something else but can be used instead of it. In US English you can also use the adjectivealternatein the same way.

The hotel's being renovated, so we're looking for an alternative venue.
USThe movie theater is closed, so we'll have to make alternate plans.

If something is very different and separate from other things, you can describe it asdistinctordistinctive.

The word has three distinct meanings.
She's got really distinctive handwriting.

The prepositionunlikeis often used to compare people or things that are very different from each other.

Dan's actually quite nice, unlike his father.
The furniture was unlike anything she had ever seen.

For more synonyms ofdifferent, see the articles atunusualandopposite.

For more opposites ofdifferent, see the articles atsameandsimilar.

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