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单词 thesaurus/articles/giving-pleasure-and-holding-your-attention

Thesaurus article:giving pleasure and holding your attention

giving pleasure and holding your attention

These words describe things that you find enjoyable, pleasant, or interesting.

The word with the broadest use isgood.Goodis a very general word to describe something that is pleasant.

It's a good film overall.
The weather's been good.

The opposite ofgoodisbad. Likegood,badcan be a very general word.

We have some bad weather blowing in.

For more opposites ofgood, see the article atbad.

In writinggoodcan often be replaced by a more specific word, such asenjoyable,pleasant, orinteresting. These words are not very strong or enthusiastic words.

We had an enjoyable time with Bob and Helen.
The weather is pleasant but not too hot.
The history of the place was really interesting.

For more words about things that keep your interest, see the article atinteresting.

If something isniceorlovely, it is pleasant and enjoyable, but in a way that does not give you very strong feelings.Lovelyis more common in UK English than in US English.

Have a nice day!
Well, that was a nice meal.
This is lovely weather we're having, isn't it?
I had a lovely evening at the theatre.

Something that is pleasant but gives you stronger feelings of enjoyment can be calleddelightful.

We had such a delightful time - let's do this again soon!
Our holiday was absolutely delightful.

In formal language, things that give you pleasure or feelings of enjoyment can be calledagreeableorpleasing.

We spent quite an agreeable day together.
The flower arrangement is quite pleasing.

One opposite ofagreeableisdisagreeable.Disagreeable, likeagreeable, is formal.

It is a most disagreeable turn of events!

For more words related to being good enough, see the article atacceptable.

For words to describe things that are extremely good, see the article atexcellent.

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