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Thesaurus article:modern


These words refer to physical things that are made using the most recent techniques, methods, materials, etc. They can also refer to ideas or beliefs that are based on the most recent thoughts on a subject.

One common word for this ismodern.Modernrefers to ideas and thoughts as well as physical things.

The building was made using modern construction techniques.
He's got some fairly modern ideas considering his age.

The opposite ofmodernisold-fashioned.

He paddled around the lake in an old-fashioned rowing boat.
She's very old-fashioned about marriage.

For more opposites ofmodern, see the article atold-fashioned.

Another way of sayingmodernisup to date.Up to daterefers to whatever is the most current at the time.

The hospital has some of the most up-to-date equipment in the country.
We keep our antivirus software up to date.

Latestis a way of saying that something is the most modern.

She always wears the latest fashions.

The wordscutting-edge,high-tech, orstate-of-the-artcan be used for things which use the most modern ideas, materials, features, etc.

Computers have brought cutting-edge technology into the classroom.
Divers with high-tech equipment discovered the wreck of the ship.
They've got a new state-of-the-art kitchen.

Someone or something which uses modern ideas and systems to encourage change can be described asprogressive.

It's a very progressive school.

The wordcontemporaryis used for art, literature, music, etc., that is modern.

The music was written a hundred years ago, but it still has a contemporary feel to it.

If something is modern but you do not like it, you can use the adjectivenewfangled.Newfangledis a disapproving word.

I can't cope with all this newfangled technology.
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