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单词 thesaurus/articles/not-liking-or-being-pleasant-towards-others

Thesaurus article:not liking or being pleasant towards others

not liking or being pleasant towards others

These words all refer to not liking people or being friendly to people.

Unfriendlyis one of the most common words for this. It can be used of people, groups, or animals who do not like and do not want to be around others.

The crowd was unfriendly and dangerous.
Our new neighbour is quite unfriendly.
Watch out, my dog is rather unfriendly!

The opposite ofunfriendlyisfriendly.

He offered me a friendly smile.
I thought she was friendly and very pleasant.

For more opposites ofunfriendly, see the article atfriend.

There are many words to describe people who are unfriendly and do not show kindness or care to others. If someone is unfriendly and does not show much emotion, you can say they, or the things they do, arecoolorcold.Coolandcoldare usually used in written contexts, butcoldhas an informal use that is common in speech.

She was very cool towards his new wife.
He got a very cool reception from the ambassador.
She's a cold, heartless woman.
The building was a cold and unwelcoming place.
informalThey left without saying goodbye? That's cold.

In more formal or literary contexts, you can use the adjectivesicy,glacial, orfrostyto refer to someone whose behaviour is extremely unfriendly in an unfeeling way.

He gave me an icy stare.
Her reception of him was glacial.
He gave the neighbour's misbehaving children a frosty look before going indoors.

The opposite ofcoldandcooliswarm.

She had an open and warm personality.

For more opposites ofcoolorcold, see the article ataffectionate.

Distanthas a similar use tocoolandcold, but emphasizes that a person is unfriendly because they do not show or seem to share another person's emotions.

My father was very distant, but I suppose all men of his generation were.

Someone who isremoteis unfriendly because they are not interested in other people.Remoteis used in literature and writing more than it is used in speech.

Her manner was remote and intimidating.

Another word for this that appears mostly in writing isaloof.

The dowager was aloof and uninterested in conversation.

In informal contexts, you can call a person who is unfriendly and too formalstandoffish. In UK English, you can also useoffish.

Now is not the time to be so standoffish.
UKShe's the more offish of the two sisters.

If someone is unfriendly and sad, you can say they aredour.

He's a dour old man who enjoys nothing more than complaining.

Souris a more informal word for someone who is unfriendly and easily annoyed. You can also call themprickly.

Don't be so sour - cheer up and join the party!
He's normally easy-going, but if you ask him about his ex-wife, he gets rather prickly.

If someone opposes someone or something and is very unfriendly in doing so, you can call them or their actionshostileorantagonistic. These are both used more in writing than in speech.

The opposition candidate is quite hostile to the current Parliament.
Hostile critics sunk the film on its opening weekend.
He was dismissed for being combative and antagonistic towards his supervisor.
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