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单词 thesaurus/articles/someone-or-something-that-is-not-successful

Thesaurus article:someone or something that is not successful

someone or something that is not successful

These words describe people or things that are not successful or that do not succeed.

One common word for this isfailure.Failurecan be used to describe people or things, but is more commonly used to describe things.

The shuttle launch was a complete failure.
I feel like a failure - I didn't get the job.

One opposite offailureissuccess.Successis often used of events or things.

The operation was a success.

For more opposites offailure, see the article atsuccess.

There are many informal words to describe things that fail. Aturkeyis something that fails badly. Aclunkeris something that fails completely because it was done very poorly. Something that was in a situation where it should have succeeded but does not can be called abomb. Bothclunkerandbombare used in US English.

I really wanted to like it, but that show ended up being a real turkey.
USThat pitch was a real clunker.
USHis website was one of the biggest dotcom bombs in the history of the internet.

If a thing does not work correctly and is therefore useless, you can say, in informal language, that it is adudor alemon.Lemonis used mostly in US English, and can refer specifically to newly purchased cars or other vehicles that do not work but should.

My charger doesn't work - I think I've got a dud.
His new car is a lemon.

If something is very unsuccessful, usually because it does not work the way you expected, you can informally say that itis a disaster.

The whole company was just a disaster.
They hoped they would win the game, but it was a disaster.

A person who always unsuccessful, no matter what they do, can be called aloser.Loseris informal and often is used in the phraseborn loser.

She just can't get ahead - she's a born loser.

If a film, album, play, or book is not successful, you can, in informal language, call it aflop.

His first feature-length film was a flop.

Someone or something that is unsuccessful can be called alame duck. This use is not very common.

All the books in this series are excellent - there are no lame ducks.
Even though he was a promising new player, he's turned out to be a real lame duck.

Ano-hoperor anon-starteris something that has no hope or chance of succeeding.No-hoperis used in UK English, andnon-starteris used most often in political contexts, though it is informal.

UKThat lot of no-hopers will never make it to the World Cup.
They'll never agree to that - it's a non-starter for the Democrats.

In much more formal writing, anon-successis something that doesn't achieve the desired result.

The programme was required to track all measurable successes and non-successes.

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