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单词 thesaurus/articles/things-you-buy

Thesaurus article:the things you buy

the things you buy

These are words for things that you buy or which are offered for sale.

One of the most common words to generally describe something you buy ispurchase.

I'm not in a position to make a major purchase like a car.
The finance department approved all her purchases.

The wordgoodsis used to describe things that are for sale. It's used especially to describe things that are for sale and are similar.Goodsis used mainly in writing.

There's a sale on home goods this week.

The wordshoppingis used to describe food and other household goods that you buy in a shop.Shoppingin this use is more common in UK English. In US English, these things are generally calledgroceries.

Can you bring the shopping in for me?
USThank you for bagging my groceries for me.

Anacquisitiontends to be something expensive, and especially something that is added to a collection.

That rare book is his latest acquisition.

There are many words used in business contexts for things you buy. One of the most common ismerchandise.Merchandiseis a formal word.

The shop's merchandise was heavily discounted.

An informal word that is based on the wordmerchandise, and which refers especially to things that a band or artist has for sale, ismerch.

You can buy our CDs and other merch at the table in the back.

Aproductis something that a company or industry makes to sell. Sometimes, and especially when modified by words likedairy,animal, oragricultural, it can refer to types of things that are grown or farmed to be sold.

One of the company's products was recalled for contamination.
They had a diverse product line.
I'm trying to stay away from dairy products.
They sell everything from agricultural products to children's toys.

You can call the products that a company makes and sells itswares.Waresis always used in the plural, and it is more informal thanproductormerchandise.

The company didn't do enough to promote its wares in developing markets.

In business and financial contexts, acommodityis a substance that is often used in making products and which can be bought, sold, or traded on financial markets.

Sale of commodities like tin and gold were on the rise, while stocks tumbled.

In business or financial contexts, the phrasedurable goodsor, mainly in UK English,consumer durablesrefers to things like televisions and dishwashers that companies make and sell to people and which are supposed to last for several years.

There was an uptick in the sale of durable goods this quarter.
The sale of consumer durables slumped during the recession.

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